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Is weed only meant to be smoked once a day, at the most?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by UpstateToking, Nov 9, 2011.

  1. I smoke 2-3 times a day, everyday. And I must say that the first high of the day is always that great high. Afterwards it seems I only feel the euphoric zoned out high if I smoke again, not the laughing up feeling high.
    Even if weed was meant to be enjoyed once a day, it is still worth getting high endless amounts all the time.
  2. I feel the exact same way. That why i always try to limit myself to one high per day
  3. I have all indicas unfortunately so its always a stoned feeling
  4. if ur on a budget, sure.
  5. #5 Deep Roots, Nov 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 9, 2011
    yes.. sometimes no. but mostly yes:bongin:

    I like wakenbake and right before bed highs the best.

    i mean yes some days you smoke multiply times and some not.
  6. This is the exact reason i am very fond of naps. Wake up and smoke and its like the first toke of the day...again.
  7. Agreed. When smoking once a day or every few days it gives me a much more philosophical high. Use this to see silly things i do sober, to improve any aspects i lack/truly want, chase the right goals, destress and view problems differently, etc.

    Smoking several times a day kills that. Still have fun though, so for that purpose i do. Just not as trippy (like if your watching a movie) and useful as infrequent smoking.

    This coming from a guy who's been a heavy smoker most his life, and still loves nothing more then burning an 1/2 oz on the weekend :bongin:
  8. I usually smoke 2-3 times a day, about 1 or 2 bowls per sesh. I'm kinda strugling to get down to once a day. There's just some times of the day where I just really want to get high, and there's nothing wrong with that :)
  9. sounds crazy, but i heard that the first time you smoke each day is the highest you'll get that day unless you smoke a bunch extra.
  10. I try to limit myself to 2 seshes a day. Take random bong tokes throughout the day, but if I try to stay high 24/7 I end up just feeling sleepy. Coffee fixes that though lol.

    Been thinking I need to start smoking a lot less, mostly just to save up a bunch of money. Would be a better high each time anyway.

    @flasharoo, sounds about right to me
  11. Whatever floats your boat man, don't let anyone tell you how to smoke!
  12. only if i haven't taken a t break for a long ass time

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