Is venting from house ac a good idea? Pic of vent included*

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by XI 313 IX, Aug 16, 2019.


Is this gonna really help my grow??

  1. Yea

    3 vote(s)
  2. Nah

    0 vote(s)
  3. This is a crappy idea

    0 vote(s)
  1. I started growing this spring out doors. I took 2 of my plants inside about a week ago to begin/continue preflower/flower with 600-1000w hps adjustable grow light. I notice my plants were starting to stress because they were closer to the light than I liked and I my oscillating fan was not rolling it enough. I had some ductwork right above my tent. I decided to vent it to my tent. I don’t know if this is good but it’s doing the trick. I room is cooler. My buddy says it’s awesome and he’s been growing for many years. I want to know is there any bad or negative effects to this set up? Could someone also explain why it’s so good?? Besides cooling which is obvious. I’ve encluded some pics of my outdoor and indoor pics of these plants while life.

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  2. The only downside I can think of,is with cycling on and off of the AC in the house, the tent temp could fluctuate quite a bit...
  3. it gets the smell out keeps the air fresh . fresh air meaning fresh co2 from the air
  4. Keep a monitor in that room as I would also be concerned with it getting too cool in the summer or too hot in the winter.

    I put a Y on the ventilation hose from the dryer right before it gets outside. My setup is pretty close to that outside vent.

    Maybe put a thermostat with bluetooth so you can check from phone. Good luck.

    Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
  5. Awesome input I will definitely Bluetooth the room ASAP

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