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Is this worth what i paid?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Dutchx, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. #1 Dutchx, Jul 30, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 30, 2012
    My friend and I purchased $60.00 worth of Afghan Kush. The pictures below are my cut of the Bud.

    I chipped in $36.00 and my friend chipped in $24.00.





    All pictures were taken from my iPhone.
  2. that's almost a quarter, that's ok.
  3. Looks good to me.

    [ame=]Shwayze - High High High - YouTube[/ame]
  4. Definitely not a quarter. Looks like an 8th maybe 4 grams to me. Depending on your area, that is either a decent deal or just plain terrible. Some places do push some expensive buds though.
  5. [quote name='"just1morebowl"']Definitely not a quarter. Looks like an 8th maybe 4 grams to me. Depending on your area, that is either a decent deal or just plain terrible. Some places do push some expensive buds though.[/quote]

    I paid 36.00 for that right there. So its not a good deal?
  6. well if that's about half a quarter for you, then that is not a bad deal at all.

    around usual price 3.5gx2 = $60 that is a quarter.
  7. Fuck it , good enough

  8. So that right there is good enough for $36.00 worth?
  9. just over an eighth. :)

  10. If my dealer pulled out a bag of weed with that much in it and said, "Thirty-six dolla's mothafucka."

    I would pay.;)
  11. As long as it's actually some dank afgan kush then yes.
  12. yea dude good deal man have fun :smoke: it uppp:cool:
  13. How long will this shit last me? I don't smoke that much.
  14. thats up to you man but an eighth usually last me a day to two days...

    but i smoke bowls all day with it to so give or take:cool:

  15. Holy cow, how do you find the money too afford weed? The big thing for me is, say i spend $30.00 on weed, it can be gone in a day.
  16. Lol when I saw the first picture I was like omg what the fuck did someone shit that weed out? But it was just the flash making it yellow.......:hippie:

  17. lmao :smoke:

  18. Worth it forshooo
  19. Weight wise yeah you're good. But we can't tell the quality of it.
  20. You did good pig, you did good.

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