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Is this worth $130

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by smokeythedogg, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. Is this worth $130?

    Attached Files:

  2. we need a better pic than than, dump it out and put it next to a lighter, even then we still couldnt tell you. you need to buy a scale and see for yourself. im tired of these threads.
  3. take them out of the containers please, its difficult to tell the density or even the mass from this view
  4. Its Definitely Dank! And depending where u are $130 can be a quarter oz of high grade. Personally I got quarters for 90 but that was in florida, and the prices are higher where i live now. But bro, just get a scale. Theyre cheap and not illegal, plus you will always know if youre getting skimped!
  5. You can get a quarter o here for 80 bucks.
    People will use your/their scale too, super convenient.
  6. dump it out. probably not a quarter if it can fit in there though, unless its dense as fuck
  7. No way that's over 5 grams. You got ripped off.
  8. From that pic, no. That doesnt not look worth $130.
  9. Is that atleast 8 grams? If so, it was worth it.
  10. Dump it out and put it by a normal sized BIC, then we can give you at least a somewhat accurate estimation but even then we can't be sure.

    How would we ever be able to tell from that pic? We don't even have anything to compare the size of the pill bottles to.
  11. How many grams is it?
  12. #12 RC Flyer, Aug 14, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 14, 2012
    It could be 8 grams. Weigh it. A nickle weighs 5 grams, a quarter 5.5.... Or buy a scale for $10-$15.
  13. [quote name='"RC Flyer"']A nickle weighs 5 grams, a quarter 5.5.... Or buy a scale for $10-$15.[/quote]

    Whatttt? A nickel is like .5 grams and a quarter is 7 grams

  14. I'm looking at my scale...
  15. If that is not an once u got ripped off for sure. That shit looks like shake
  16. [quote name='"RC Flyer"']

    I'm looking at my scale...[/quote]

    Wtf does that mean. A qt is 7 g

  17. A nickle isn't 5, its .5 or 1 depending where your at.A quarter is 7 everywhere. Do they not teach you measurements in school these days?

  18. Dude, he's talking about an actual nickel, not like a nick bag. :p
  19. my photo senses tell me you got ripped!

  20. I get it now.

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