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Is this what its supposed to feel like?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by jdb26, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. Hey guys, yesterday I smoked for the first time and I didn't really feel anything, maybe my legs felt lighter and I couldn't stop giggling but not much? Today, I just did and my legs feel lighter and maybe some tunnel vision but thats it?
  2. For your first time, that's what most people will feel. Make sure after you get the smoke in your mouth, take another deep breath of air so you inhale it all in before you exhale. After doing that, you'll have a better experience.
  3. after awhile it feels more..intense
  4. More smoke in your lungs.
  5. Close your eyes and think about how you feel. If you feel normal, you are not high, if you feel as though your body is not fully normal, you are high... if you feel as though your body is made of a constantly-refreshing, melting butter, you are baked.

    Make sure you inhale properly:

    Step 1: Use bic lighter to light bud while inhaling through mouthpiece in whatever smoking utensil you are using.
    Step 2: Remove your lips from mouthpiece and inhale again, filling up your lung.
    Step 2.5 (alternate step to step 2): Keep lips on mouthpiece and inhale through your nose.
    Step 3: Hold smoke in lungs for 3-7 seconds.
    Step 4: Exhale a big cloud of buddy goodness.
    Step 4.5: If lips still on mouthpiece, exhale through nose.
  6. Sounds like my first time. I smoked two bowls and just got the giggles and felt a little off, but didn't get high the same way I do now. Trust me, when you really get high the first time, you'll know lol
  7. Legs feeling lighter and giggling sounds like the very very low threshold of a high, before you actually get "high." These could have been placebo effects too.

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