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Is This What I Think It Is????

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by MedicalManOR, Jan 3, 2013.

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  1. #1 MedicalManOR, Jan 3, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 3, 2013
    Holy shit man, is this a fucking plant!??? I think it is, I just can't believe this has been behind my friends house.... what you think???

    Nikon shot 1



  2. its a fucking plant. oh my fucking god. oh my god.
  3. idk man.

    looks to thin almost.

    could be in veg rite now tho..
    still. idk man

    get a closer/better picture of it
  4. Can't tell, if it is that thing is like 12 feet tall. It's odd though because everything else is dead. So I don't know how a cannabis plant would be thriving if its cold. But who knows

    Sent from my iPhone using GC Forum
  5. def, Not weed man.
  6. Lol that's not weed.
  7. Nope.

    As far as what it actually is, my bet is on a bamboo plant.

  8. now im second guessing myself, it almost looks like a male. I need a pro grower to hop on this thread to verify.
  9. dude those arnt pot leaves...

    male or female hahahah
  10. damn, I think you're right. It looks exactly like too. FUCK.
  11. are you kidding me or what ? the first shot i though it was a plant but the second pic obviously not
  12. Don't act like they at least somewhat resemble a pot leaf, i mean look at those tips
  13. you're right OP... it's a fucking plant
  14. lmao at the thread tags.
  15. Good use on sarcasm! You really got me good. Thanks for your useless put breh,

    troll somewhere else plz
  16. Definitely not weed ..

  17. it's all in good fun
  18. Oh, I had so much fun interpreting your sarcasm, thank you again bro.

  19. you're so welcome. im glad you came back with no sarcasm :love:
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