I planted some weed in this exact spot about 3 years ago and here is what I see...what is this? It looks a lot like it then again it doesnt... I know the leaves look a bit fat...no buds...but maybe soon if it is? http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/6566/hpim010726cx.jpg http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/2931/coulditbe8xl.jpg http://img516.imageshack.us/img516/6606/hpim010629bm.jpg I can try to get some more pics, where would you take pics of the plant at?
yea sry that isnt pot or even a cross breed cuz ive seen cannibus cross with some weird stuff in my area theres this grove of this weird cross breed it look like a baby pot plant with 2 leaves per node but i get about 4 to 5 feet tall and get a crown of a bunch of small buds up at the top i havent personally smoked it but a bunch of people i kno and trust have i plan on trying some this summer when its ripe
It looked kind of like it, btw, I think that got me in the mood to grow some, where is some good tutorials to tell me how to grow?
YO, that is a perfect setup to grow. get a strain that looks close and plant there. no one will know!
[quote name='potpotpottypot']yea sry that isnt pot or even a cross breed cuz ive seen cannibus cross with some weird stuff /quote] uhh do you mean crossed with another strain? cause otherwise ur just seeing things.
Ducksfoot is a strain he might be thinking of. Its leafs are not shaped like normal cannabis. http://www.swecan.org/files/DucksFoot3.JPG