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Is this weed?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by SaiyanEye, Apr 20, 2006.

  1. Unfortunatly, that is not a cannabis plant.:(

  2. Sorry man, no cannabis plant
  3. yea sry that isnt pot or even a cross breed cuz ive seen cannibus cross with some weird stuff in my area theres this grove of this weird cross breed it look like a baby pot plant with 2 leaves per node but i get about 4 to 5 feet tall and get a crown of a bunch of small buds up at the top i havent personally smoked it but a bunch of people i kno and trust have i plan on trying some this summer when its ripe
  4. punctuation?

    yea thats not bud man.
  5. It looked kind of like it, btw, I think that got me in the mood to grow some, where is some good tutorials to tell me how to grow?
  6. YO, that is a perfect setup to grow. get a strain that looks close and plant there. no one will know!

  7. use the search button, im sure there are many threads.

  8. Wow, that plant is trippy, anyone know what is actually is?
  9. [quote name='potpotpottypot']yea sry that isnt pot or even a cross breed cuz ive seen cannibus cross with some weird stuff /quote]
    uhh do you mean crossed with another strain? cause otherwise ur just seeing things.

  10. Ducksfoot is a strain he might be thinking of. Its leafs are not shaped like normal cannabis.
  11. yea, he obviously hasn't taken any botany classes, you can't cross two species.

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