Is this true about acid?

Discussion in 'General' started by persondudeguy, Mar 11, 2005.

  1. Is it true that even years after taking acid, if you crack your back you feel like you're on acid again? Thats what someone told me, don't know if I believe it. Otherwise, who'd buy acid more than once? Just crack your back and you're trippin balls.

    Anyone wanna verify or shoot down this statement?
  2. false.

    Check out
  3. i guess it can give like a pleasent feeling, but your not going to trip.

  4. ... the pleasant feeling comes only from popping your back. not from acid.
  5. I think I got that post acid hallucination thing. Whenever I look at my computer screen I see glimpses of this psychedelic kind of shape. I hope it goes away, I havn't done acid in months.
  6. Any tramatic experience can cause a flashback later in life, (ie) Car wrecks, a rape, a murder, war, because most acid trips are traumatic, especially bad trips they can induce flashbacks later in life..
  7. so do you think it will go away? concidering I quit doing drugs (except weed) and I've been "sober" for roughly 3 months?

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