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Is this too good to be true? Because if not I'm stoked!!!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by hitdablunt04, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. Hey all, to introduce myself, Im a brand new smoker. Just tried it last weekend but I've been readin a while and think that Im pretty well informed... I just had a quick question, as this is my first time buying for myself... Ive looked around with my sources.. and someone told me they can give me a little over an eighth (4 grams) of "chronic" he said (idk if its true or what it looks like) for 25 dollars.... is this too good to be true? we are friends, not super close but i think shed give me the hookup.. is this too good to be true? any input? much appreciated ya'll!

    Also I live in the D/FW metroplex if that helps. and I know its not gonna be schwag cuz noone in this "smoking circle" of friends i have buys or sells that shit.:eek:

    Please Help?
  2. I cant see why not Sounds like a decent hookup to me.

    I can get 8ths of regs here for $25 usually. depending.

    But i mean dont give her money first to go get you shit, i always feel so worried whenever i did that when i was yonger. I still dont liek it. But anyways, if you go see her and shes got a bag of weed taht looks decent (im sure you can eyeball 4 grams. Should fill the bottom of the average baggy, depending)

    And you cant go wrong with that deal... even if it is schwag..
  3. That sounds like a wicked deal. An 1/8th will usually run you about 50 bucks. Just make sure you weigh it out :smoke:
  4. Well where im from an 1/8th runs for 40 dollars. So even if this weed isnt the dankest then paying 25 for it is not a bad deal. not to good to be true, plenty of people out there get hooked up. but that is a good deal. as long as you really are getting 4grams.
  5. I'd still buy it anyways. If it seems like 4 grams when you get it, that would still be a good amount for schwag. Also, since you are a beginner, look at the weed up close to see how dank it is. Some telltale signs are if it's shiny white, has dark orange hairs on it, and smells strong. If you can, post again with some pictures if you do get it for examination:)
  6. depends on if by chronic they mean nugget or if by chronic they mean good weed, bc good weed is a bias definition. depends on your region.
  7. I wouldn't say it's impossible, just unlikely. But who knows, maybe they know a grower or something. Try to pick it up and if it looks like less than 4g or it's brown or moldy, just don't buy it.

  8. yah man i dont have a scale haha! im one of the kinda kids that my parents would LITERALLY FUCKING KILL ME. if they knew lol... but my dad smokes cigs, so i stole two of em last night, hollowed that shit out... packed it... and got blazed as hell!
  9. Shit ask him if he's willing to weigh it out for you, and if thats shady to ask of him then fuck him.
  10. I wouldn't buy it unless it's pretty good quality bud.

    Most dubs where I'm from (Texas) are about 5 grams of mids-high mids that have been compressed and look like brick weed, but smokes a lot better.
  11. does anyone have a picture of what an eighth looks like approximately? i knowwwww it varies blah blah... horseshit. heard it all lol. just show me what YOURS looks like! im intrigued by all this! But yeah pictures would be greatly appreciated.... and dammmnnnn yall are fast! I've never seen a forum with members so committed!! anyone like listenin to wiz khalifa when you blaze?
  12. Short answer: yeah, it's most likely too good to be true. Before you buy bud always inspect it for yourself. Never take anyone's word for it, that's how people get played. How does it look, is there a visible trichomes on the weed? Orange/red hairs? Is it green? (stupid I know) How does it smell? Usually dank bud has a very strong smell ranging from....anything really. Make sure it has a strong smell. There's weed that smells like stinky stinky cheese, then there's some bud that smells like blueberries. Sky is the limit really.
  13. thanks everyone! Appreciate the picture bruh... Ill be back on here in a bit... gotta go to work! anyone else wanna share the best deals they've ever gotten?
  14. You really cant eye ball weed until you have had some experience. And even then its just a ballpark estimation. The density of bud is always different so one eighth could be super fluffy and fill up 3/4 of a ziplock bag while other bud could be incredibly dense and fill up 1/4th of the bag.
  15. I get Quads of mids for $45, so I'd say I have a really good thing going :D

  16. Hell yeah bro, Wiz is the shit.:D

  17. Yeah man, same here. But I moved in with my grandma for college, and she's ridiculously oblivious so it all works out :). I've come home reeking and being rather blatantly blazed, and she didn't say a word. The dryer sheets I was using in my sploof actually bothered her so she told me to stop wearing cologne lol.

    You should invest in a MFLB since you still live with parents. It'll open up your world to blazing due to the easy access :smoke:
  18. Your friend is ethier going to beat you, or give you some shitty mexican mids.

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