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Is this synthetic?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Smoker420e, Feb 11, 2014.

  1. So I bought some weed from a guy, and he have me this solid green bag with some what I think is weed. I asked him if it was synthetic and he said no but he said it had more of something I didn't understand so I bought I brought it home and opened it with scissors. Is this real? It has little nuggets inside just small ones but the bag is full to the the top it smells like sweet?
  2. pic

  3. Pics or useless thread
  4. if its nugs it isn't synthetic.
  5. #5 L337_L0gan, Feb 11, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2014

    Not alwayys true I've seen synthetic that has nugs but it doesn't look like bud
  6. ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1392082417.882153.jpg

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  7. Don't smoke the green plastic bag.
  8. IK but can I smoke the stuff inside or is it synthetic

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  9. Brick pack in a green bag. Synthetic bud feels like k2 spice or cotton.
  10. Can someone just say Real Or Synthetic

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  11. #11 Heroic Dose, Feb 11, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2014
    yeah, but did it actually contain synthetic noids? companies like international oddities make fake buds but contain no chemicals. ive never personally seen a synthetic brand where the maker spent additional time forming buds with it. not that it couldnt be done.

    well your picture is shit, but it looks real
  12. So real? I'm confused

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  13. yes
  14. Thank I will smoke it then if it's real thank you.

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  15. Need to see more than .00000001 of a gram

  16. idk why but this thread is hilarius...
    im kind of high
  17. Lol

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  18. Maybe take it out of the bag and then take a picture?
  19. ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1392083593.500599.jpg

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  20. I wouldn't smoke that shit.

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