Is this seedling done for? New grower, feedback and criticism greatly appreciated.

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by CeejFarm, Aug 24, 2023.

  1. Hi everyone!! I am new here and new to growing, so I would greatly appreciate any advice on what to do with this seedling. Growth seems to have stagnated the last few days, and it looks like it is about to fall over. It was added to a 3" pot with Sohum soil after sprouting in a humidity dome with a Peet pellet. I have six other healthy-looking seedlings, a couple with 2nd and 3rd pairs of true leaves. This one and another do not seem to be doing as well, and I am unsure why.

    What can be done to help it? Should I toss it? Any tips and advice would be greatly appreciated.

  2. should live. bury up to the leaves
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  3. Thank you, my friend. I will do that right away.
  4. Yeah keep it moist
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  5. Ditch the dome.......domes are for clones, not seedlings.
    It promotes fungus growth that leads to damping off.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  6. Yessir. It has been out of the dome for almost two days. Would you recommend not using a dome for seeds in soil that were germinated with the bag method? Just keep the light close and at low intensity?
  7. Update pictures after one day. It still looks like shit. What are your thoughts, my wise friends?

    Attached Files:

  8. It honestly looked better in yesterday's pictures. The cotyledons have yellowed out now, and true leaves look less green and more wilted than before. Should I give her some more time?
  9. IMO, it always worth to wait until a seedling is dead to remove it. We never know witch pheno is hidden under the shelf of a seed so they all worth to live! Seedlings live matters!
    That being said, a seedling can die off for unknown reason and without warning during a dark period, mostly caused by fusarium wilt, or damping off. It usually start by stem turning brown and getting slimmer. You can use a jeweller's lope to see the stem with more details. At this point, nothing can be done. If you suspect one of your beloved babies isn't doing alright, better quarantine it by putting it under natural light on a window still until you are sure it will be OK, just to be sure not to spread anything to the others.
    Since I found problems mostly occurs during a dark period, I would recommend to keep your seedlings under a 24hrs light schedule until first set of true leaves are there.
    What does it looks like by now?
  10. I appreciate the love for my and our sweet seedlings, but sadly, she has fallen and I think she is totally gone :(
  11. Well at least it was better now instead of 17 weeks down the road then dies. Time to drop another. It will pop sooner than the one your popping now. Good Luck
  12. hahah can't argue that. For a first grow with four healthy plants in 1 gal pots going up to 3 gal soon then 5 gal for the final I'm stoked. Although, many issues could arise.....
  13. Well if you havent transplanted skip the 3 gal. pot.

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