i tend to rant, so ill try to make this short and simple. the other day cops came to our dorm room and searched it cause it smelled like weed. my jacket was in the room, not one me, but i told him it was my posesion. anyway he picks up the jacket and hears glass banging around. After he searched the room and found nothing he called me in and said is this ur jacket, i said ya. he said I know there are a couple pipes and a grinder in there (he felt it from the outside). and asked if i wanted to take it out or if he had to. ALl i said was thats my jacket im not opening it and don;t give any consent to u to search it. Without saying anything he opens it up and takes out the pipes/grinder and writes me a ticket. What im wondering is can I get out of this? Like its not illegal to posses pipes and a grinder is it? No, cause i bought then im a store.
Cops can do whatever the fuck they please...arguing or trying to protect your rights is pointless, we has Americans don't have rights...everyone that says to argue with the cop obviously hasnt been in this situation before
Well since you don't own the property you have no say if they could go in or out. Even if you did own it, they "smelled marijuana", and that gives them probable cause to search you and the premises. So when they asked you to show them your belongings it was more of a formality. They could have searched anything because they had probable cause because they "smelled marijuana". As for the paraphernalia, it's not illegal unless they can find traces of marijuana residue on them. If they can't prove what you were using them for it's not illegal. They could only speculate. But I'm assuming they're probably packed full of resin, so sorry to say my friend, but unless you have some good connections...you're probably fucked.
They can search whenever they want, sadly. If they want to bad enough they will make up a reason. And you probably got a ticket because they were dirty. Next time hide your stuff, or just start rolling. You cant get a ticket for a pack of papers.
the smell of herb gave them the reason to search the immediate area of reach. did the pipe or grinder have any residue? ''Like its not illegal to posses pipes and a grinder is it? No, cause i bought then im a store.'' not on campus
http://forum.grasscity.com/real-lif...story-about-getting-busted-dorms-tonight.html i knew i saw this same topic again haha
smell of pot is probable cause right away. even if there is no real smell, if a LEO says he smelt pot, its probable cause and his word against yours. especially if he found pot, his probable cause of smelling it is true if there was residue on the pipe or grinder, it is considered drug paraphernalia and no longer for tobacco use
Yea this situation makes me sad,our government has become exactly what our founding fathers didn't want it to become. Believe it or not,the US government is ALREADY tyrannical. Just look at how police handle search warrants,they do absolutely nothing different than the german SS or gestapo knocking your door down to look for harbored jews. I think however that we can do nothing about it,the government will only get more powerful and tyrannical as time goes on.We will become the nanny state that we never thought we could be. The TRUE America is dead,and we let it die by being sheep and not defending our rights as soon as the first unjust laws appeared. I would sincerely join a revolution if one started,time to stockpile ammunition again...
if your on school property they dont need consent, cause your basically living on theyre property. you only got tickets? man in FL they would jus haul ur ass to jail..
I'm not going to give you some half assed personal opinion etc. This is what makes or breaks it: Resin in the pipes or grinder? Yes, no?