Is this Possible?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by INFARED, Sep 24, 2010.

  1. Okay...Couldnt find my other post but have a OG Kush 18 outdoors, storm last week ripped off half my branches, harvested the remains and got them curing. Went to check whats left and the trichs seemed Cloudy and amber but most of the foilage (leaves) are green and havent showed yellowing or autumn colors. Could this be right that its ready with some green leaves?
  2. Im no expert and i really dont know but ot bump it and give ya a lil info. i got a plant thats been topped mutiple times so that it looks like a christmas tree without getting smaller towards the top it gets bigger/wider. I have stuff right now thats lost most of its sunleaves and the rest of the leaves are still green and its been harvestable then again i did start 12/12 unnaturally.the trichs might be cloudy from the stress of the strorm or the branches gettin ripped off. Some say that if you stress your plant aka poke it or slit it with a razor blade nothing bad just a small flesh wound, that it helps resin production, and oils. Maybe this helped your plants along in a WEIRD way. who knows anyone with better knowledge than mine please chime in? im curious

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