Read every sticky here, some multiple times. I have a little concern for my plant. It is from another seed I found in my purple kush. The edges of the leaves are purple. I am using 2, 26w 6500k bulbs now, and will eventually move to 4. I can put 4 on it now, if that would help out. The temps have been hovering around 72 degrees F. Here it is a day or two from sprouting. Here it is now, 7 days old. I water it once my fingertip is dry about 1.5" down. Does it seem healthy? It doesn't look all green like most other's plants. It also looks to me like it is wilting compared to others. Can there be too much reflected light? Should I remove the paper that is surrounding it? I would appreciate any positive input that my fellow blades could supply. Also, this is a budget grow. This is more of an experiment for me to learn, rather than worrying about yield and whatnot. I would be happy to get an 1/8 off of it (obviously I would want more).
Well since it is "purple kush" then I would say it's a safe bet that the leaves will be purple. Don't worry about it. I'm no expert though. Edit:
im no expert but they seem to be wilting a fair bit buy my seedlings did that and they bounced back and i didnt change anything just see how it goes is my only advice
Yeah that'll cause your plant to show some purple.. cool. Make sure your plant gets temps up into the mid 70s for the majority of the time though. ~Experimentalist