IS this OK?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by GreenGriffin, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. Ok so i'm currently running a Jilly Bean grow. i have 3 in the ground outside and one in a recycling bin outside aswell. I planted them on Aug. 11th and they still havent sprouted. Its been raining alot lately so i havent really waterd them at all. Is there anything i can do to speed the process like soil aditives anything like that or is there something im just not doing right . Thanks for the hep GC.
  2. Nothing you can do. It usually takes 2-5 days for the seed to break the surface(depending on how deep you planted the seeds) The soil should be kept moist at all times, but not soggy. Did you cover the pots when it rained?
  3. No i didn't it's been raining really weird latly like it will rain then it'll stop for an our or so dry everything up then rain again so i figured id use the rain instead of watering.

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