Pink Floyd, Dark Side of the Moon T-Shirt in background, She's a Known Toker, likes C&H, and has a cute cat.
thats weird...i was just cruising through some older threads and came across the one where that pic was posted..honestly, ganjaphish take this as a total compliment, no-ting intended.. you are a hottie. (got my vote) lol and I thought hobbies (and your cat) were cuties.. ((blush)) sry..ek! ..ill take a bap for that with yea digit..
thats ganjaphish?...MY NUMBER ONE RULE IS THAT I CAN'T SEE YOURE REAL PICTURES!...IT RUINS THE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!! I gues the ice cream man is just gonna have to put her on his list now that he knows what she looks like...
yes you're on the list because the ice cream man has seen your realface...same thing with amanita..... but dont worry normsy poo..youre not just on one single list of his..hes got you on almost every one he has
OH GOD!!!...IM ON THE 'FIND EXTREMELY HOT CHICKS THAT ARE GREAT IN BED, GIVE UNFATHOMABLE LARGE AMOUNTS OF WEED, AND CHOUFFER EVERYWHERE FOR FREE IN THE MINIVAN LIST' TOO?!?!?!....oh god not!!!!....i cant hand this!!!!! EDIT: the image of that guy on billy madison with his "list" when hes crossing names off and puts on lipstick and whatnot...that comes to mind for some reason...HAHAHA...MAN I WANT TO GET HIGH...
how about the "teddy bear luvin list'?....god only knows what that one is about....what the hell am i speaking of.....and HOW IS YOUR FUCKING MOUTH DAMNIT!
my fuckin mouth is wonderful..theres already a thread covering that topic you bastard..go there to talk about my mouth!..BEEAAAAATCH
i looked like ten minutes ago and could not find it....oh wait...that was just hadnt said anything yet...and it wasnt ten was hours..and not started by you....hrmmm...and im NOT high....
im pretty high on several painkillers at the moment..a little marijuana buzz, and im drinkin some vodka...
after falling down in my own piss...puking on some guys shoes...cold sweats..and literally CRAWLING 30 yards from the car to my grandmothers house, i have sworn off vodka....havent drank it since, that was ....comin up on three years ago
It would take too much time and effort to come over here and beat me up- hopefully mr phish smokes a lot of couch lock indica... I would agree that the ugly tree did not fall on ganjaphish. or the cat- which is unusual because cats are fuck ugly most of the time.
awwww shit...if i ever want to laugh..i just have to come to the city...damn damn damn...cant breathe...HAHAHAHAHAHA...dont know what im laughing at, i just am...oh well...HAHAH
heehee. I've been on the list for ages. little does nubbin know but he is on 2 of my 3 differant lists, a feat accopmlished only by one. i never knew so many people would respond to this... looks like there's some what of a ganjaphish fan club starting. i wonder if she knows this is here????
oh shnitty shnit shnit!...switch and digit may soon be on the ice cream mans list...depending on whether or not their avatars are pictures of me know that you?...are you destined to be on the ICM's list?
I've seen head bappings happen over less than this! But I live around a lot of people who seem to live for head bappings. I voted for Ganj!