Is this normal?!

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Flufftube, May 11, 2016.

  1. Hey guys, what's happening?!

    I think I made a no-no... I just started my first autoflower in a stealth closet. I'm on day 11 from sprout, I'm already seeing pistols and smelling the plant! The plant isn't but a little over an inch and a half tall! Here is what I've been doing:

    Light cycle(which I know really doesn't matter): 21/3
    Watering: when soil is dry, I feed
    Medium: 50% fox farms, 30% coco, and 20% perlite
    Led light 300w (really 150w),It's about 18 inches from top of the plant.

    What the hell did I miss here? I will admit that I fed it a little root riot and GH Grow on day 10 but just a smidgen. About a ml each.
    I also believe that my timer for the light have been acting strange. I came home today with it off, which I didnt notice, then it suddenly came on. If some how it's not getting enough light would it make go into flower? I'm really confused.

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  2. #2 Kefka, May 11, 2016
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2016
  3. I've been reading up and most are saying that the earliest is around 14 days. But it's just these autos are throwing me all off.
  4. It looks like it's going pretty well. in the pictures I can't tell if I see any pistols. My experience with autos are usually around 14-21 days it starts to show and their roughly about 5-8 in. If it's showing pistols then it should start to take off.
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  5. Cool, I was just weary about it. I know the pictures don't justify well because they were taken from a phone but the second and third nodes are so close together, I was worried that I might have stunted the growth. Maybe I'm just over reacting.
  6. Well I hope it all goes well. Just keep an eye on it. Oh and with fox farm ocean you shouldn't have to add any nutes for at least 2-3 weeks since it has some nutes in it. You could try to flush if your worried about stunting by nutes then just add some when she tells you she's hungry. But hope I was of some help to you man. Good luck
  7. Yeah I was just trying to give a little bit of an extra boost with the nutes.. I wasn't trying to stunt it or anything. But yeah good point with the fox farms. You were good help! Much appreciated!
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  8. Hey green joy question. I'm gettin ready to start in fox farm organic any particular blend that works better

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  10. Just depends on if your planning on using a lot of nutes. Are you growing with autos?
  11. No autos but feminized. And I'm gonna be using advanced nutrients brand calmag voodoo juice Carbo load, rhino skin, and Sensi bloom. That sound about right

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