Is this normal female growth or hermie?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by greenlee, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. I noticed this yesterday.Its 8-9 wks into flower.I saw some things I thought looked like bananas in the middle of the flower.I think this one is about to open,Idk.Is it just what a female does?Not my first grow but I am still learning.Thanks


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  2. is that the only one or is there more?
  3. I have seen a couple more out on the edges like that I think had opened.I picked them off and then noticed all the fuzzy hairs they had on them.I can see hairs sticking out all over this one.I just don't.I've been more hands on with this one and maybe I just never noticed it on one before.I have had plants hermie too but it didn't really look the same.
  4. hey man, i had a similar question with my last white widdow, and they were also round things like yours on the pic with hairs coming out of them, i snipped like 20 of them with a scissors just in case. My plant was NOT a hermie and it had the exact same ball-looking thing so it might be a false alarm, it might not be hermie, post a better pic though ... showing more of the plant.
  5. And there not Calyxes?
  6. [​IMG]I don't know what up with gurl.I've been having a hard time trying to let it finish.If it was gonna stress out it should have before now I think.i think I'll still let it finish but really keep an eye on it.Since I added the foxfarms it has really plumbed out.I hate to cull it right when it got going.A few seeds will be OK.

    This is the latest pic I have.I got ahold of the main cola and pulled it around to check it for stuff.It has 12 side nugs plus this main one.Its in a 4 gallon pot.The whole thing is about 4 foot tall.

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  7. i think you're fine, depends on the strain though, i stressed out mine like crazy because my grow space had a lot of light leaks, and still didnt turn hermie... let her grow and see what happens man, good luck

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