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is this moldy?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by cow-udders, Mar 29, 2016.

  1. i can't really tell this is all i get when i use my magnefying glass[​IMG]
    i also noticed it burned weird like it goes completely black immediately when lit and it has no smell, but tastes.. off. it was in a dry baggy in my purse for maybe a month or two.
  2. sorry heres the correct pic

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  3. If you looked at it with a magnifying glass and couldn't tell if it's moldy don't expect someone else to look at a blurry picture and tell you. By looking at that picture I couldn't tell you with certainty that was even weed.
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  4. Does it have a astringent smell to it, like ammonia? does it look more like a white fuzz or web than trichomes...your picture isn't going to get you any answers but those two questions are a good place to start.
  5. hope you dont drive with that vision lol
  6. thank you for at least clarifying what i should be looking for. it has no smell but when it burns it smells like someone whose sick. is brown or darker a warning to anything? it's turning a little goldish..
  7. could be a little bit of mold or mildew, not going to really hurt you either way. Worst case scenario is a sore throat. THC naturally degrades and turns a brownish gold color (some stuff I had in a jar over 2 years turned mostly brown and sort of just smelled like nothing and it was cali med stuff as that's where i live), never heard of it happening that quickly though. Goldish color could also just be in the genetics, some bud appears to be a goldish hue from the THC, if you let a plant run longer before you chop her the trichomes will be more goldish amber than clear and milky so it could give you that appearance as well.
  8. Please dont go around telling people moldy weed is safe.. most mold spores will have little effect on people with normal immune systems. If the mold is bad enough to cause problems, effects are usually respiratory breathing problems and flu like symptoms such as coughing, diarrhea and vomiting but can be more severe in people with other health conditions and/or a poor immune systems.

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