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Is this mold?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Jhan, Oct 12, 2023.



  1. 1st batch moldy

    0 vote(s)
  2. 2nd batch moldy

    0 vote(s)
  3. Both are moldy

    0 vote(s)
  4. Neither are moldy

    0 vote(s)
  1. I would really like some help to figure out if this is moldy bud or just normal and I'm paranoid

    there are 2 different batches ill show you guys
    369709309_871395544503549_2962380111581518127_n.jpg 387593816_1379461729616452_5020656483727366996_n.jpg 370350139_920049729639432_5133532611796584727_n.jpg 370242269_225319056984952_4934112945750432856_n.jpg 387531110_1500326987419407_1395425186179930641_n.jpg 387331172_1007389040495351_1923325173350631433_n.jpg 387511293_1686403865181072_744204664260699063_n.jpg
    Ill post the full images below
    369709309_871395544503549_2962380111581518127_n.jpg 387593816_1379461729616452_5020656483727366996_n.jpg 370350139_920049729639432_5133532611796584727_n.jpg 370242269_225319056984952_4934112945750432856_n.jpg 387531110_1500326987419407_1395425186179930641_n.jpg 387331172_1007389040495351_1923325173350631433_n.jpg 387511293_1686403865181072_744204664260699063_n.jpg 387477910_880132716698341_3823062078761446172_n.jpg 370252646_879027693148753_5464377543927159189_n.jpg
    • Like Like x 1
  2. if its falling apart as you touch it and smells ..i reckon its a bud rot ....mac
  3. did you grow it or buy it ? it looks like some of it is moldy just be careful if you have a loupe you can see for sure you can get a loupe on amazon under 10 bucks next day then in the future you can check all your weed you would be surprised at what you see
  4. If you take a picture of the bud itself at a distance your camera can focus in well, do that. Then keep increasing the photo size in your photo program on your computer. That will give you the clearest picture. It's hard to tell from the photos you've posted.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. IMO: take a sample to a cup of warm water and tablespoon of bleach,

    dip the sample wait 5 secs then sip in clean water

    if the suspect turns to 'snot' then its a mold/fungi

    allow to dry in a warm wind

    then pic out the dead mold

    good luck
    • Creative Creative x 1

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