Hey i was wondering if this weird white stuff was mold or if anybody could identify it for me, thanks in advance
its nothing like spider mite, their damage is shown as lots of small dots on the leafs. search a little bit as i really dont know exactly any remedy for this problem although i found this Keeping Ahead of Powdery Mildew | Garden Pest Tip maybe it can help you ohh and reduce watering and destroy any infected leafs to try reducing the propagation of this disease
the first thing i came across was to chop a few cloves of garlic and soak in warm water and use to mist the plant, so i tried it, but it doesn't seem to have been any help so far. I did a few searches but nothing turned up that looked like my problem exactly, i really don't want to start clipping leaves is it at all possible that the spray will prevent further propagation of the PM?
Doesn't really look like mold, or spider mites, maybe just maybe bare with me here, if you have cottonwood trees it's possible a piece of cotton wood got stuck on there, farfetched but maybe possible
it looks like powdery mildew to me but it could be mold. is it hairy like mold?? if it is powdery mildew take 1 gallon of water and to it mix in 1\2 cup of baking soda and 2 drops of dish washing soap. Mix it up and and then use that to spray your plant. use it for 3 days then rinse your leafs. PS dont use the entire gallon on it in one day just spray the entire plant make sure you got everything and that it.
another plant in the fleet has acquired the PM, the garlic spray seemed to have no perceivable effect so i am switching to the baking soda and dish soap method. I am misting as early as i can in the morning and right before the dew at night. God i hope this works.
Should I be worried about the effect this strong basic solution will have on my growing medium? ie will it send my pH sky high when i rinse all this sodium bicarb off the leaves? heck i'm worried about it just because of the misting...
update: the plant has kicked all of the PM, i must have made the solution much too strong though, because the white hairs all turn violently red and red-brownish pretty much over night. I am going to try flushing with an insane amount of water and run a light nute through it, i hope this hasn't permanently damaged it, as i only have one shot this year
The pics dont show enough to tell...Growing indoor witch im guessing your doing requires very good circulation of air...I would never smoke it unless you know what it is. I always grow outdoor...For many reasons, such as i dont have to change the lighting times and i dont have to water them anymore once their about 1 month and a half old...try outdoors next time... also their are two types of mold on pot one is good one is bad but they usually only happen in the drying process...look it up on google.
it is an outdoor plant and was always kept outdoors until some little fag ripped me off, directly after which i brought the plant inside at night so that i could sleep. it spent four nights indoors, one night someone turned off the ceiling fan in the room it was in and the next day i saw the mildew. I am 100% sure now that it was PM , and it has been monsoon raining here all day so i couldn't take pics of the new developments; i guess they are pistils, but they were white two days ago and today i went out after misting the plant 2x/day with the baking soda and surfactant solution and they were brick red to brown, and they didn't look healthy at all. I will post pics tomorrow when the sun is out again.