Is this kief actually kief?

Discussion in 'General' started by FocuaThePoet, Aug 8, 2019.

  1. #1 FocuaThePoet, Aug 8, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2019
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  2. Looks like powered hash to me dude.. hash does smell like spices sometimes, if you put a flame to it does it ember like weed/hash does??

    Edit: only just noticed the paper.. maybe it's not hash after all
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  3. I'm pretty new to smoking and all ive only been doing it a few months so honestly I barely know what hash is either. It does ember but it doesn't burn out very quickly like kief typically does but it does stay lit until its fully burned out.
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  4. Also another thing to note, ive used this dealer for my supply for the months I've gotten into smoking but todays transaction he told me he got it off the black market, but knowing him he usually get his stuff locally.
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  5. This is what crumbled up hash looks like dude
    Most hash stays lit untill you've smoked it all.. it only goes out if you put sometimes over the bowl to stop it:laughing:

    To me the picture you've posted looks like homemade hash, I have no idea what the paper looking things are though.. the pieces behind the dust look like hash imo
    • Informative Informative x 1
  6. The paper stuff crumbles really easily too and it all has a flour like texture. Earlier I tried doing a few bowls in my homemade bosh but I was mainly smoking the paper stuff and the dust off of that and it didn't really do anything to me. So tonight I'll try to group just the dust and smoke that instead of using the paper and hope I get a better reaction to it
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  7. Kief is kinda sparkly greenish translucent looking.[​IMG]
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  8. It could
    Do you know your dealer well enough to ask him/her what the paper stuff is? Some dealers might take it the wrong way if you don't know them so well.. most of my plugs would rather me tell them if something's wrong with the weed/hash
  9. Yeah I've seen some pictures of kief being green but also some being brown
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  10. Yeah hes my coworker which has its benefits
    I've tried asking him but he hasn't responded yet so I'm here
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  11. The smaller micron the screen u use to filter ur kief threw the more blonish/brown u'll get,,bigger micron the greener....i cant see the pics so cant really help u on that

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  12. I can't say whether that's kief or not, but it looks a lot like the first dry ice hash I made.
  13. Trust your instincts.

    Would not inhale imo.
  14. Yeah I tried it out again last night, turns out it was oregano. Very disappointed.
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  15. Id go n say something to ur plug

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    • Agree Agree x 2
  16. Looks like Nutmeg lol

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