Transplanted to 1 gal pot on 8/28 with pre-moistened SOHUM soil. Light has been hitting it at around 300-350 PPFD 18/6hrs. Last week's averages in the tent; Temp: 76.6; Humidity: 68.9. Watered once since transplant with 350mL 6.2pH. I hit it with 0.05g Recharge in roughly 65 mL water; maybe a bad idea? Tshock2 by CeejFarm posted Sep 5, 2023 at 10:32 PM Tshock by CeejFarm posted Sep 5, 2023 at 10:31 PM
has it grown at all since transplant? i had 1 of my 6 plants stop growing after transplant and never recover you should see some growth quickly is there perlite in that soil?
Yeah the soil has ≈35% perlite. There certainly has been some upward growth mainly in stem, but the leaves still look discolored and some broken at tips. I didn’t get a chance to look this morning bc I didn’t want to disturb their night cycle.