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is this joint shitty?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by KushSmokaa, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. i had a thread going before about how i cant roll to well and this joint was my 3rd time rolling, anyway the thread kinda died and i decided to add a filter and it seems like its not to bad [in my noob eyes lol] so i took a pic.

    as i said in my other thread i cant quite get the tuck so i kind of have to fold it thats why there so loose. but this j is like 3/4 filled and the other is the filter, it has a dime in it .5. let me know what you think like i said its my 3rd one.

    Edit: i forgot to say i made this thread since i didnt have a pic in the other one

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  2. Its alright, keep practising though they will only get better :)
  3. it looks alright kinda like one of my first
  4. Good God look at that awful looking thing! Who would create such an abomination?! The horror, oh, the horror!!

    Nah, if it smokes it is always a good joint. Looks decent enough too.
  5. Yeah it looks decent enough to me.
  6. Looks like it will smoke, definatley better than i can hand roll.
  7. room for one more ?
  8. its not about how it looks its about how it hits
  9. is it normal that i just put my mouth on it to see if i got any air and i couldnt get any air through it? does this mean when i light it and try and hit it, its gonna be like clogged?

    but then i was thinking that when you try to breath on an un lit cigarette you get no air.
  10. Hey man i've seen shitty lookin joints that hit good. Appearance doesn't mean shit.
  11. Light it and see, if it doesn't hit roll it in your fingers to loosen up the buds.
  12. You twisted and closed the end, bud.... That's why you can't get a hit lol. That will burn off, or you can bite it off, and it will open up.
  13. lol, I used to roll the tips of my joints as well until I finally got good at rolling. Now I roll one end skinny so I dont have to use a "filter" and keep the other end normal size. It actually works pretty damn good and you dont get weed bits in your mouth.
  14. sighh...maybe one day.

    lol, i dont have my bowl anymore and just got a pack of papers so hopefully by the end of this pack i should be decent at rolling, since im not horrible now [im certainly not good at all either] but joints are gonna be my only way of smoking for a while ... it'll get boring quick.
  15. **bump** i gotta get up in 6 hours so im gonna go pass out, hope to get more feedback and/or advice. pce :smoke:
  16. #17 ilmatickid, Feb 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2011
    Only thing I'd say is that it looks a little loose around the middle. Next time, just even it out better, tuck it and you'll be good. :smoke:

    Edit: Are you using e-z wider double wide papers? If so, I suggest you pick up a pack of Bambu; these are my favorite, they're the perfect size. :smoking:
  17. If you're high after consuming it, then who gives a shit?
    if you want nice joints, then all I can say is Roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll...etc. :smoke:
  18. assuming it has weed in it, no
  19. thats what she said lol

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