Is this healthy

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by jowens87, Sep 5, 2023.

  1. It is from a strain that was some fire bud. I forgot I put it on my drawer so idk anything about her. Does she look good for a unknown strain I found in my drawer IMG_4649.jpeg
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  2. Besides the clipped leaves and you may have nute burn she looks good long as she isn't yellow with spots like mine lol 20230905_124759.jpg

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  3. She has a nice size to her tho. Are you dosing her with cal mag. Some calmag and potassium and phosphorus small dose of nitrogen should pull her back around.
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  4. IMG_1999.jpeg This is a quick one auto im working on. She’s small I jus started growing this is my first plant. I planted that unknown seed a couple weeks before planting this auto. So technically it’s my second
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  5. I have lock out I do calmag maybe I should try more I use once every two to 3 weeks

    Sent from my SM-G781U using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  6. looks good to me,
    next pic leave a bic in the pic so we get a size of the plant


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