It is from a strain that was some fire bud. I forgot I put it on my drawer so idk anything about her. Does she look good for a unknown strain I found in my drawer
Besides the clipped leaves and you may have nute burn she looks good long as she isn't yellow with spots like mine lol Sent from my SM-G781U using Grasscity Forum mobile app
She has a nice size to her tho. Are you dosing her with cal mag. Some calmag and potassium and phosphorus small dose of nitrogen should pull her back around.
This is a quick one auto im working on. She’s small I jus started growing this is my first plant. I planted that unknown seed a couple weeks before planting this auto. So technically it’s my second
I have lock out I do calmag maybe I should try more I use once every two to 3 weeks Sent from my SM-G781U using Grasscity Forum mobile app