Is this going to fix itself or...?

Discussion in 'Forum Tech Questions, Problems and Troubleshooting' started by NowIsB, Sep 27, 2012.

  1. [​IMG]
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    someone who knows how to use webcode should make some alternate forum skin colors n if gc dont let you officially install it to the site than just upload it to this add-on for chrome/FF ,im bored of green and lighter green :(
  2. I don't understand what needs to be fixed. :confused:
  3. Look at the sign out and my account links...took me a minute to find too...
  4. I can't reproduce the issue with any browser out there including Chrome.
  5. Oooh, because they're not where they're supposed to be. I see now.

    It's doing the same thing on mine (using Chrome), but I never even noticed. :p

  6. On Windows ?
    Mac chrome functions perfect Droplr

  7. Yup, Windows 7. :confused_2:
  8. I'll try reinstalling chrome and see if that fixes it, the problem just randomly occurred one day out of the blue.. just kinda got used to it after a while.
  9. hmmm, i found the reason for it, it happens when you zoom the page out to something less than 100%, in that case ill just learn to live with it :D
  10. Whenever I have computer problems I restart my computer and hope it is resolved by the time the thing comes on again..

  11. Hmmm...does that for me on FF as well...never noticed that before...

  12. Aha, you're right!

    Oh well, I never use those buttons anyway. :p
  13. It is highly related to how Windows zoom in applications :)

    Mac related browsers don't have this issue , another reason to ditch shitty windows :D
  14. GC out of touch with the worlds most used OS :rolleyes::p:poke:

  15. GC is not out of touch with worlds most used OS. It functions perfect with it. Though the issue is directly related to how zoom'ing functions on Windows. It is a bug in their system. You can contact Microsoft and request them to correct their un logical zoom functionality.
  16. :confused: I can't get my machine to do it no matter what zoom level I use running Win7 Ultimate IE9.
    I am using a huge screen though.

  17. when you say mac related browsers you mean safari? cuz im on chrome on OS X n its doing it.
    • Like Like x 1
  18. Yeah...another reason to ditch shitty Macs...:p:laughing:

    Looks like he got you there gnik...:poke:

  19. Droplr

    Chrome on mac and took a wider screenshot so you can see the zoom lvl :)
  20. hey, i can see myself in that picture :D

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