Is this Female?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by BudCrazie, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. This plant is about 1 month and 1week old and has been under a 400W MH bulb on a 18/6 light cycle. I was under the impression that plants didn't show signs of gender until they were under 12/12 light cycle, is it possible they may show signs of gender before the flowering light cycle? These are not autoflowering plants.

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  2. Yeah looks like pistols it's a female. But yeah plants can show signs of pre flowering you can still keep the same schedule of lighting you originally planned.
  3. Looks like female pre flower to me. Mozeltof, its a girl! I just looked in on my babies and ended up with 5 of six being female. congrats and good luck bro
  4. Yeah, that was my first thought...but being only my first grow, I really wasn't sure. I'm fucking stoked :hello: Now I'm just praying for the rest to be dames :smoke: thanks for clarifying...fellow tokers of the world
  5. always keep an eye on them though, they can always turn into a hermi
  6. What he ^^^^ said

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