Is this enough humus for my soil mix?

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by Dankmass, Aug 4, 2020.

  1. Hey guys,

    Was given this soil recipe from a friend who swears by it. The one thing I’m worried about is the low amount of humus (ewc in my case). Most threads I’m reading say anywhere from 10-20% ewc however this recipe only uses 2 lbs of ewc to mix in with 7 cu ft of soil.
    Is this enough??
    Thanks in advance - recipe below.


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  2. #2 TimJ, Aug 4, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2020
    Seems way light in humus to me and is your bone meal your only source of calcium to buffer the peat in that roots organic? After another look at that roots organic soil.I'd say without knowing what amount of humus that is actually in it,that may be alright. We build our own soil here. It's a proven mix that we can control all inputs of.
  3. No i actually amended with some dolomite lime also (not in the recipe sorry), yeah i believe the roots organic does already have some worm castings in it, just not sure of of the percentage.
    Thanks for the reply

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  4. 025AC44D-0FC0-4B66-A118-1CE6912CB816.jpeg
    Here’s a pic I’ve posted before. This plant and the small flowering plants in the background are in the following mix.

    5 bags Roots (50 gallons)
    1 bag compost (10 gallons)
    5-10 gallons pine bark mulch

    That’s it! It’s really just my veg mix, but it does flower appropriately sized plants. I mix about 300 gallons every 6 weeks or so.

    Since I’m not adding dry amendments I don’t need to wear a respirator. I also don’t have to worry about mixing it perfectly. Zero cook time necessary. This saves a ton of time and labor. Plenty of guys just cut open a bag of 707 and plant directly in it. Tens of thousands of plants are grown this way in the Emerald Triangle.
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  5. Interesting, thanks for the input. I’ll have to see how these plants do in this mix and then adjust accordingly if needed.

    I only just found out today that i should have been using a respirator - and i mixed the soil in my basement last night. Should i be worried?! Or am i ok just from mixing it once.... I’m told bat guano could be the danger... hope i didn’t put myself at risk

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  6. It’s not as big of a deal to breath that a couple times a year, it’s the guys breathing it all the time that need to be extra careful. Next time mask up. Pretend it has COVID-19.
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  7. Good to know! Thank you bud

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