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Is this dank?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Clicht, Jan 25, 2011.

  1. #1 Clicht, Jan 25, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2011
    Well i picked up like 3 grams that smell exactly like skunk.
    I have a glass vaporgenie, and generally I can get extremely baked off of just like .2 grams. Should this be able to happen with just this much?


    Uploaded with

    Shitty cam :/
  2. Yeah that looks like dank to me, good thing I can see pictures that aren't there or you'd be shit outta luck
  3. Can happen sure, vapes are extremely efficient.

    And post pics of your bud.
  4. I'm about to pick up some Purple Danky Dip, I think it's going to be super Dank, your bud looks frosty.
  5. #6 iSmokeLI, Jan 25, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2011
    At least you have pictures...

    edit; looks like some good bud. Idk about dank but the quality isn't too good.
  6. The sarcasm of this thread is overwhelming. Hahahaha.
  7. Naw I just asked a stupid question :/

    Posted pics now :)
  8. Looks like bubba kush
  9. Yeah that looks like enough to get you high if you're vaping... but there's only one way to make sure.

    Which begs the question... why aren't you just smokin that shit and see if you get high instead of posting asking us whether it will get you high? :confused: I just don't get people sometimes

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