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is this being annoying?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by KushSmokaa, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. #1 KushSmokaa, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2011
    ok im still in highschool and this kid i met this year is pretty chill but i never actually got to chill with him anyway, lets call him Z for the first 3 months of school we would talk in school and whatever, i always knew he smoked btw.

    but last month his bro started dealing and i dont know his brother [older] lets call him T. and i bought from Z once and his bro was there with him. this was and im not exagerating the dankest bud ive ever smoked, i had it in a bag wrapped in tin foil, in my closet and my room still smelt.

    anyway after i bought from him i told him how dank it was the next day and i said i gotta get some more soon, and hes like alright. well 2 weeks go by and randomly this kid starts like ignoring me so im just like whatever. i text him for bud and hes like ya im coming to your town in a little ill call you [he lives in town next to me, 3 towns go to my highschool] an hour goes by and i text him and hes like my ride is taking forever and im just like whatever tomorrow can i get some and hes like ya.

    the next week he text me and is like my bro [T] got a car so we can drop off now and im like sweeet i cant today how about tomorrow and hes like yea definetly so im physced and i text him [Z] the next day and he doesnt respond so im just like whatever, anyway within the week i ask him in school yo why arent you responding i need bud and hes like im not dealing anymore im not into it, but my bro still is. and im like ok you think i could get his number then and hes like ill talk to him after school and text you, he never text me.

    this was last week and finally i just asked his cousin today, whos in our grade and is really good friends with T and Z and me and her are pretty tight too, im like Z isnt talking to me anymore and i need bud so shes like ill talk to T (Z's older brother who deals) and give him your number. so im gonna see what happens tomorrow.

    i dont think that the kids older bro has a problem with me i think the kid in my grade just has a problem with me because recently there cousin told me that T buys ounces then splits them into 20$ sacks but sets aside a little because he knows i like to buy dimes sometimes.

    so it sounds like T has no problem with me but the kid in my grade [middleman] does and he knows that i have to buy through him since i dont know his brother. because why would T put aside a few dimes for me if they were like sketched out by me and didnt want to sell? let me know what you guys think cuz i honestly just think that Z is the issue not his bro.

    btw this kid is making ALOT of money, hes buying ounces for like 350$ then flipping them and selling them by the gram and coming out with like 550$


    i found out this kid who i met this year has a bro who deals (i always knew he smoked but didnt know his brother was a dealer) and i bought from them once, and now hes ignoring me [after a few weeks not right away] so i talked to his cousin and she said she will give his bro my number. just dont know why the kid who is sorta the middle man with me and his bro is ignoring me, after he sold to me once.
  2. Simply doesnt like doing buisness with you. I guess.
  3. maybe, i have no clue but do you guys think having his cousin talk to Z's brother [dealer] is the right choice? and just completely stop going through Z in order to get bud from his brother?
  4. Middlemen are shit dude. Wait and see if the cousin can get you T's number.
  5. First off, dude(T or pusher) must waste alot of gas selling little grams. And look at it from Z's position. Someone he never talks to hits him up for bud. He stops selling and he doesn't want anything to do with that. Then you hit him up constantly or whatever he probably is annoyed. I doubt he would say don't sell to him and if his brother is really about his money, he wouldn't listen to him anyway.

    So keep talking to the cousin and hopefully he/she'll throw you the number. No stress man :D
  6. Why not just approach T and ask for his number?
  7. So many different letters :eek: I dont think anybody thats stoned like me can understand this maan :smoke:
  8. Z is the middleman. Skip the middleman and go straight to the source.. T.

    If T doesn't want to sell to u.. consider buying more. Its nice every now and then to sell dime bags, but it can be a pain the ass if everyday ur asking for a dime bag. When you could of ask for an 1/8 to last u the entire week.
  9. he's probably just a shitty drug dealer, don't worry about it man.
    btw, where in bergen county you from? Im there too =]
  10. Yeah you probably already know you'd save tons of money buying bigger since you told us how Ts making bank selling little gs.
  11. you need to deal direct.....or else it's always going to be a run around.
  12. nooo dude Z only sells by the gram he makes BANK. and i usually buy by the gram anyway. even though its a waste but i try to only buy when i need it and if i want bigger amounts i hit up this other kid but Z has such better bud so i would buy a gram off of him before i buy an eighth and save money from this other kid,,,its that good. i never buy over 8th's because its to expensive right now and i have no scale so ya.

    btw dont hate on me saying im getting played only buying from a guy who sells grams, hes making alot of money and once i get his number and buy more often he will most likely sell me more.

    and i think im just gonna forget about the middle man because it gets nowhere as someone said cuz i gotta think about it from there position -Why am i gonna buy weed then sell it for the some price just cuz someone doesnt have a better hookup-
  13. im from northeast bergen, in the very right corner of jersey right on the border :smoke:
  14. Maybe his brother doesnt deal small hence not wanting to do business with you?
  15. So let me get this straight, you talked to Z and knew who T was but didn't actually know T but you knew Z because T was Z's brother. So Z was being a high schooler but T still wanted to sell to you but Z wouldn't let T sell to you so you talked to Cousin who obviously knows both T and Z and says that Z doesn't like you but T still likes you.
    TiZ a predicament.
  16. hahaha dude that made me laugh. basically and to DP3 no he prefers to deals in small amounts, so me only wanting to by grams isnt the reason since i asked Z to buy an eighth and he said his bro can only sell grams right now.
  17. how the fuck did anyone comprehend this. I'm not even high and couldn't get through it halfway without giving up.
  18. Fuckin agreed :eek:
  19. anyone else have an opinion on this?
  20. Doesn't make sense... find a new dealer.

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