Is this bad? (outdoor grow, blue rhino, half a year old plant)

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by GrowFan420, Oct 21, 2013.

  1. #1 GrowFan420, Oct 21, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 21, 2013
    So I've had this lady outside for a long while now, she's 200+ days since planted, about 200 days since sprout. Anyways so the plant has had this "injury" in the main stem for a while now. I noticed it around start of July IMAG0899.jpg I was told this was no big and should just let it be and it would recover. Almost 4 months later (today) I noticed something dark slimey in the injury. IMAG1649.jpg Upon closer inspection I managed to stick two small slimey snails out with a small stick, they are kinda shown in the picture, (the black stuff). The snails didn't have any shell, were more white than black when pulled out. My question is whether I should be worried, could this cause harm to the plant within the last 4 weeks (I'm only at max 4 weeks away from harvest)? It's been weeks since I last looked at the injury so I honestly have no idea how long they've been there.

  2. Infected plant stem, paint Neem OIl into the wound and seal with grafting tape, but gaffer tape or sello tape will do, careless of you to let it run like this, those are maggots who only eat dead wood(maybe) or talk to your local grow shop guy

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