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Is this an eighth? My scale says 1kg so obviously broken...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by sgtpepper23, Oct 12, 2010.

  1. Right, went with a new dealer tonight and brought out my scale and it said 1kg, then 0.001g then 44kgs, its obviously broken because it can only go up to 1kg.

    Im absolutely shite with prices but i paid £20 - $33?

  2. looks like 2 grams to me...still not a bad price for some people
  3. Looks fairly straight to my eyeball. Looks pretty dense. Good pickup!
  4. Experience tells me that the little nug was thrown in there to at least come close to making weight. Just my humble opinion.
  5. For 30 dollars, that is a good deal. Unless you live in Cali or Canada or have a hookup blahblahblah, thats a good deal.
  6. What do you mean?
  7. I don't know, it really could be anywhere between 2 grams and 4 grams.

    It looks a little under to me, but there's no way to know for sure without a working scale. :confused_2:
  8. yeah i was thinking each of those nugs is a g, and that extra one was thrown in for the .5.

    Doesn't look exactly like a full eighth, but you never know for sure till you weigh!
  9. Yeah standard score. Didn't get bumped, just not an amazing connect.
  10. Let's just say that HYPOTHETICALLY, I had sold cannabis and used a scale to make sure I was being legit.(Yes, people eyeball it when a scale could cost you 5 years) I have someone ask me for an 1/8(3.5g) and I eyeball it because I know about what my smoke weighs. I throw my "guesstimate" on a scale and sure enough, I'm .2g short. A little loose bud, a pinch off an existing one, or a little shake from the bottom and "VOILA!" 3.5g

    Just a PURELY hypothetical situation, but do you see what I'm saying?
  11. no thats not an eight thats clearly 1kg
  12. Looks more like 3 grams but its some quality bud bro. Might be a little moist making it weigh out though who knows or cares, just smoke it
  13. Yeah looks like a 2g score to me, a lot of dealers around where I am will say an eighth to you but in reality it's 2 grams...
  14. damn that sucks man when i get an 8th its 3.5 maybe 3.7 on good days
  15. That is the smallest kilogram that i have ever seen!

    Or its the biggest lighter :puzzled:
  16. An 1/8 at my local dispensary is normally $50 for top shelf and weighs 4.0+g. Right now there is a canned food drive going on and you get 3.5-3.7g of top shelf for $40. You wouldn't believe how much food they already have!
  17. And are you sure your scale is broken or just needs caliberated?

  18. Yeah 3.7 is the usual eighth i get
  19. looks about 2 grams probably 3 with the long ass stem on that one nug

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