Is this an eight

Discussion in 'General' started by Dank-Hill, Oct 11, 2023.

  1. Just copped a sack my dealer said he saw cops in the neighborhood earlier so he felt sketchy about bringing his scale with him. He said he threw in a extra .2 for the trouble and because it was shakey. It does look like some fire shit maybe some beasters? Does it look like an eight though, I added a quarter for size reference. Did I get ripped off? Just started buying from this guy too usually just get a dime bag from him.

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    • Funny Funny x 3
  2. might have 1.2 there if you're lucky.
    and theres a scale in the pic
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. @Dank-Hill, I don't think that's an eighth, either. And, as @Dryptamine said, there's a scale in the photo. That's the only way to know weight.
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  4. Maybe it's 1/8 of 1/8.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  5. That's the joke.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. I only work with whole numbers.

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  7. I was thinking, "Is this guy serious?" then I saw who the OP was.
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  8. Looks like "someone" rolled a fatty out of your 1/8th. Most have a no returns policy :(. When the deal begins with excuses, it aint a good sign. Just say no thank you or deal with it. Grow yer own & :weed:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. #10 Dank-Hill, Oct 11, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2023
    That might have been me who rolled that fatty got high then forgot I smoked it.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  10. Ouucch MY BRAIN
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  11. I was fixing to say that I don't think that was an 8th. I got a 3.5gm of shake and there was more than that in it. I would grow my own but I currently live in a red state. If people would just be allowed to grow their own, there wouldn't be a care in the world. Does anybody know where I can find Don't Care Bear? :weed:
  12. Haha I know right, this thread was more or less a throwback shout out to those old threads we use to see
    • Winner Winner x 1
  13. Looks like half an ounce, he definitely threw in extra.
  14. I put more salt than that amount on my baked spud!
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  15. Buy a $10 kitchen scale at the grocery store. Weigh urself and find out

    One time i got an eight-i got mad at my dealer because I didn’t think it was right because dude gave me one big ass nug. Which was nice and all but it didn’t look like much. I weighed it and sure enough it was 4.7 g’s. The next time I saw him, the first thing He asked me was if I liked his little surprise. He told
    Me he thought I would like it and he didn’t want to break off a piece to bring it down to weight m. I still buy from him time to time
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  16. Click on the photo and yeah nothing like getting a some extra tree . I always like getting one large bud. Back in the day I weighed a nice chunk of bud that weighed like 10 grams but you could have held it in your palm.:love-mj2:
  17. I did and it was all blurry and didn’t work
  18. What that's lame it seemed to be working for the others that's weird
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  19. My phone been slow loading lately. I saw the picture. It’s hard to tell bc the nugs could be dense and weigh a lot
    Instead of light and fluffy where you think u got a lot but u didn’t

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