Is this a worthy criticism of marijuana use?

Discussion in 'General' started by Billy000, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. For those of you who are heavy smokers....

    What do you think of the opinion of among some critics that daily smokers (potheads) are missing out on reality? How can heavy smokers enjoy life if they are high all of the time?

    Some critics have nothing against occassional use, but they do take issue with daily use.

    As a self-proclaimed stoner, what do you make of this argument?
  2. i just wonder where they get the assumption that they arent enjoying themselves

    and plus, most(well from my experience) stoners enjoy smoking and doing many outdoor things

    i for one enjoy smoking on the beach, smoking before working out, smoking before i bike, even smoking before i ski

    so, where are these critics getting their research from?
  3. How can you not enjoy life if you are high all the time?
  4. If life is better when you're constantly high than it is when facing reality, why stop smoking? That is, of course, as long as you're a functional and beneficial member of society.
  5. Enjoyment out of life? No one can claim anthers opinions on this.

    Missing out on reality is subjective

    I don't see how anyone can argue against the fact that being constantly intoxicated on anything will keep you from experiencing reality. It may be better for you, it may not.
  6. They are entitled to their opinion. Different people enjoy different things. Some women want 10 kids, others want none. Some people booze a lot. Others don't drink. Some people smoke in varying degrees, others don't.

    My activities are mine.
  7. I reject your reality and substitute my own
  8. point blank those critics are just haters..not everybodys life is the same..and weed is jus...a gift from above lmao but i must say weed isnt for everybody haha
  9. Exactly.

    I'll do what I want, and if you're a critic of that well...

    You need a damn hobby, eh?

    I'm gonna go load up a bowl and then jam, and then write on my story. And I'm going to like doing it.
  10. yes!!
  11. It bugs me when I'm doing something sober and I can't help but think about how much better it would be if I were high.
  12. This, actually.


  13. The responses in this thread= all wins. Marijuana, for the win. Being high > not being high.
  14. Depends...some people aren't wired for constant stimulation, it honestly depends on the person. A strong person with a healthy emotional background can use weed everyday easily, someone like me will eventually reach a point where shit needs to be re-evaluated and a break is needed.

    People are different, but this doesn't mean weed should be illegal. Its stupid to say that just because it may cause some undiserable affects in people over the long term that all people should be prohibited from using it...
  15. riddle me this

    How is being high everyday NOT reality?
  16. i smoke everyday and i'm not missing out on reality ... when i first started smoking, i'll admit, i kind of forgot about school and my future and everything else, got really lazy and shit, but now i'm getting a lot of shit done and i'm on my way on becoming a shrink

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