Sorry for the blurry pic, it was the best I could do with my phone. So there is a small growth on two of my plants (Seedlings Dec 24) and they're right at the two highest nodes along the stalk. What's more they're on the two best plants. Is it not too soon for them to be showing pre-flowers? I thought the two green stipules is where the pistals or balls form. looking for some opinion.
Pistils are like two white hairs. Cant see anything that looks like preflowers from that pictures. Get a magnifying glass or just flower them and see for sure.
Damn, one of the plants had distinctly different looking pre flowers and was able to determine those other two "awesome" plants are male worse yet looks like I may only have one female out of six plants!! wtf? she'll probably hermie
This is male pre flowers on a plant I germinated. I was a bit luckier then you, 6 seeds for 2 females.Sent from my C6903 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
If you want seeds you need them to pollinate your girls, they don't grow buds just groups of pollen sacks, kinda like a bunch of grapes. but if you want nice resinous seed free buds get rid of them as soon as your sure it's male. They take a bit to mature and drop pollen but not worth waiting. Sent from my C6903 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Oh wow, now I don't feel as bad. At first I thought I had "induced" them to be male from fluctuating environmental conditions but after some reading it seems that is not too likely and it's more likely it was just shitty luck. One plant i'm still unsure about, but even so it is such a stretchy spindly plant I'd hardly care either way. Ah well, crappiest part is having to wait longer for veg and doing clones. Just always sad to see some go, especially on a somewhat first grow. I swear I didn't cry though
They say there are things you can do to promote more chance of females but nature is always gonna do it's thing. I only needed those 2 girls though, clones all the way now Sent from my C6903 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
[quote name="Country Angel 69" post="19421148" timestamp="1390897520"]Can the males do anything or do you just dump them?[/quote]Some say you can make hash with them, me personally, unless im breeding i dont use them for anything
[quote name="Sammyy" post="19424480" timestamp="1390949503"]Some say you can make hash with them, me personally, unless im breeding i dont use them for anything[/quote]Sorry but hash is made from collecting resin glands ( trichomes) which a female produces to catch pollen produced by a male. Never heard of a male producing trichomes of any thc value or at all really. Im quite possibly wrong....Sent from my C6903 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
[quote name="sinsemilla_kid" post="19425425" timestamp="1390957332"]Sorry but hash is made from collecting resin glands ( trichomes) which a female produces to catch pollen produced by a male. Never heard of a male producing trichomes of any thc value or at all really. Im quite possibly wrong....Sent from my C6903 using Grasscity Forum mobile app[/quote]Males actually do produce thc just such a minuscule amount that smoking would have no effect hence hash making. Look it up for yourselfI must say though that although you CAN make hash from males expect it to be pretty low wuality, but meh the question wasnt if itll make high quality hash the question was could it make hash LOl
I always get a bottle of 91% ISO and shred my males up, stems and all and make ISO hash. It's smoke able ;P