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Is this a normal after-effect?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by mlrock, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. So last weekend, I got really high. Later on that night, I met with some other friends who were all sober. I saw that some of them were really upset about the fact that I was high. Since then, I've been feeling extremely down in the dumps since then. Is this a normal way to feel after such events?
  2. Your friends sound like a real buzz kill.

    It's normal in terms of weed (and other drugs) can magnify your feelings but that "down in the dumps" feeling shouldn't be associated with the weed.
  3. it doesn't really sound like anything to do with the weed, it sounds like a normal human reaction to having people (especially friends) be upset with you man. why did it get them upset?
  4. who the fuck are they? a bunch of nuns?

  5. For real.

    I can understand if you were expected to do something important and you show up all blazed and shit. But if you're just going there to hang out and have a good time what is the deal?
  6. next time they grab a beer start crying
  7. wtf? dont let anyone bring down your high. you better be proud to be high - fuck your friends. :metal:
  8. Unless you were acting like a tool they have no right to care if you were high or not. I wouldn't associate with people like that if I was you.
  9. Don't worry man, let them believe what they want to believe. If they're really your friends then they won't make you feel bad about it.
  10. Yeah, like others have said, its a reaction to having friends pissed at you, not the weed. I think you should smoke some more. Then you will feel hiiiigh not down. :smoke:
  11. Yes, but marijuana really has nothing to do with this sort of behavior. it's just that you're disappointed that they are. It's how the human mind works.

    I've had loads of friends that once they found out I was a pothead they'd label me as a pothead and not associate with me. Mainly because it's propaganda and they believe what the media says - "Weed is bad mmkay."

    Although I have lost some friends, I've gained aplenty, too. People I've known start asking me questions on where to get bud, what's it like, is it safe, what to do... etc.

    Sooner or later one of them will ask to start smoking, then they might all start. They just have to learn the truth. Also, don't preach your beliefs of marijuana with them, they will just bolster their beliefs and repel any words you throw back. Just take a while to sit back and have them do their own thing.

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