Is this a nitrogen issue?

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by Ancient3328, Oct 30, 2023.

  1. Hey guys,

    I have been having an issue during my veg stage for quite some time now each harvest. I’ll include pics to show you guys what my new growth is presenting with but overall, it seems as though there is either a nitrogen issue or maybe something to do with PH?

    The interesting thing is it doesn’t happen until about week 3 of veg (as you can see by the 2 plants in the middle that I started later that are only now beginning to have some of the same issues) & it stops at about week 2 of flower & I end up having great harvests.

    I used to make my own soil & decided to switch to BAS pre made OLY recipe soil & it’s still doing it & I would then think that maybe it’s my water, yet once they hit flowering they’re fine?

    I also notice a TON of fungus gnats in veg but they go away during flower it seems as well.

    I figured I’d lay out all of the correlations I’ve noticed to see if any of you have any ideas. Thanks so much!

    Attached Files:

  2. Nitrogen deficiency in marijuana plants


    A limited amount of nitrogen is a one of the more prevalent nutrient deficiencies amongst marijuana plants. Nitrogen is definitely a very essential nutrient for marijuana.

    About nitrogen deficiency
    1. Signs of a nitrogen deficiency in marijuana plants
    2. How to fix a nitrogen deficiency in marijuana plants
    3. List of marijuana plant symptoms
    4. FAQ about nutrient deficiencies in marijuana
    This is element is specifically in charge of creating chlorophyll and amino acids, which is necessary for the photosynthesis process.

    Your plants tissue is comprised mostly of nitrogen, so with that being known the growth of your plant will cease quickly if there is ever a deficiency.

    The deficiency begins in the lower leaves when they start turning pale green. Then the leaves will become yellow and begin dying off as the leftover nitrogen moves to help the newer growth. Nitrogen is able to travel throughout the plant as necessary.

    The deficiency will move upward and the only part of that plant that will look green is the newer growth on the top half. The lower leaves will become yellow and wither. When a leaf is dying, it begins at the tips and moves towards the inside.

    Signs of a nitrogen deficiency in marijuana plants
    If the lower leaves are becoming yellow during the vegetative phase or early on in the flowering phase, your marijuana plant may have a nitrogen deficiency that needs to be dealt with.

    Losing a couple of leaves from the base of your plant from time to time is common, and more so with large plants. Now, if the plant is losing a large portion of yellow leaves, and the yellowing is traveling upward fast, you have a serious issue here.

    It is always better to not have any nutrient issues in the first place ofcourse! By using my Bergman’s Plant Food, created specifically for marijuana plants, you will ensure a great grow!

    All-in-one nutrient package

    • All the nutrients from seedling to harvest
    • Enough nutrients for at least 5 plants
    • Specifically balanced for marijuana plants
    • Suitable for soil, hydroponic and other growing mediums
    The amount of nitrogen in comparison to other nutrients plays a big role in the growth and producing buds. The plant may display signs by the leaves getting little, less growth, and the plants appear to not be thriving. The petioles and stems will be a somewhat red or purple shade.

    Too much nitrogen gives you plant a thick, dark green look, but this leaves it more defenseless to diseases and bugs. Another thing is the stalks begin to be deprived of elasticity and fragile.

    It is good to know that it is common for the leaves of marijuana plants to turn yellow around the end of the flowering stage when the plant is lacking nitrogen because it is producing buds.

    Now, if you notice your plant is losing lower leave quickly because of the yellowing, particularly during the vegetation stage, you have an issue on your hands that requires and immediate solution.

    For the vegetative state, your plant requires a more nitrogen and just about any plant food will do the trick. The majority of the total plant foods offered at your local garden center has a large amount of nitrogen, which is great for the vegetative phase.

    The flowering phase requires lower levels of nitrogen. It is very necessary to get a nutrient system that has lower levels of nitrogen for the duration of the plants life cycle.

    It’s common for marijuana plants to display signs of nitrogen deficiency when the plant is approaching harvest time. This is a positive sign for your plant. An excess of nitrogen stops budding and lessens the entire taste and scent of your plant. This is the reason every “bloom” and flowering nutrient systems mostly have a low amount of nitrogen.

    Don’t worry if you notice your plant is displaying signs of nitrogen deficiency later in the flowering phase. Low amounts of nitrogen is actually a good thing during the later phase of the flowering stage to encourage good bud production and will enhance your yields.

    Not sure if your plants have a nitrogen deficiency?

    Read the article Nutrient deficiencies in marijuana plants for a list with pictures of all deficiencies.

    Another thing which might help is to use my own Bergman’s Plant protector, which you can use to protect the roots, against mold and even pests!

    Bergman’s Plant Protector

    • Protect your plants from diseases and harmful pests.
    • Consists of three 20 ml bottles
    • Enough plant protection system supplies for up to 20 plants
    • Suitable for soil, hydroponic and all other grow mediums
    How to fix a nitrogen deficiency in marijuana plants
    The best way to resolve a nitrogen deficiency is to use water-soluble nitrogen such as Grow Booster so it goes straight to the roots. After fertilization, all nitrogen-deficient plants will absorb as much nitrogen as possible and the plant will go back to its bright green color.

    Here are some more things you can try:

    Calcium nitrate (CaNO3) as a foliar fertilizer
    Fish meal
    Fish emulsion
    Cottonseed meals
    Feather meal
    There are several pre-mixed nutrients you can find in the store that have nitrogen or even try using a nitrate of soda or organic fertilizer which are great ways to give your plant nitrogen.

    List of marijuana plant symptoms
    Leaf Color: Leaf Symptoms: Plant Symptoms:
    Pale Color Leaves Lower Leaves and Older Growth Are Damaged Old Leaves Falling Off
    Yellow Leaves Yellowing Between Veins
    Yellowing Between Veins Old Leaves Falling Off
    Withering / Sagging
    So, keep in mind that if you have already given your plants nutrients, then most likely there is not nitrogen deficiency. If there is evidence of the deficiency spreading after one or two weeks of giving it nitrogen, then you need to determine what is creating the yellowing. If it is close to harvest time, then don’t worry about yellowing because this is normal.

    Closely monitor your plants and check for any issues so you are never caught off guard by a bad nitrogen deficiency. If you discover a problem and after proper treatment, your plants will heal in about 7 days are so, with an exception of the leaves that were harmed the most.

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