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is this a little ridiculous guys?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by 5kr1bbl3, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. Hey guys,
    I work at perfect north. Its a local ski resort around the 513/cincinnati area. Anyways, I was going to work, got there, walking in to clock in...low and behold. I saw a set of keys. I was like, ah, ill turn these little guys in! I was pumped. It was a relatively easy work day, super fun, super laid back. I was in a great mood!
    So, I was leaving after I clocked out. I saw the guy whose keys I found getting into his car, I had my employee jacket on, so he rolled down his window, and I politely asked "you get your keys in stuff bud?" (knowing very well that he had them, just trying to be nice, ya know?) and he was ecstatic that I found them and turned them in, he was going to give me 5 bucks, but only had two. so he offered to buy me lunch. I was just assuring him, im just that kind of guy and no reward was necessary. He insisted, so i said okay. and told him to have a terrific night. very very polite guy.
    I proceed to get in my car, A management truck bum rushes my car so I cant leave. (I was parked pretty close and I just thought he was going to yell at me for parking to close and "blocking customers") The man orders me out of my car and acuses me of buying bud from the guy just because he was known to toke up in the parking lot. I was freaked out! I was just trying to be nice. instead, a management guy searched every pocket with his own hand to see if i was hiding something. I was extremely scared. I had nothing to hide, so i didnt argue.
    Then they waited in a distant spot behind me until I left, They followed me to the local gas station, then drove off.
    Is this crap, or what?
  2. That is messed up, I would be pretty pissed myself if that happened to me.
  3. You should have told him to fuck off.He can't do that.
  4. if you never gave him any sort of permission to search you what he did was illegal
  5. Well now you have another connect.
  6. Wait, aren't mountains supposed to be as if not more stoner friendly than pizza places? Either way that was a little ridiculous. He could have at least came up when you were talking to the guy if he was that suspicious.
  7. #7 BalkanCommie, Jan 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2011
    talk to a lawyer and get paid :)) chaching!

    i dont really know any laws but if an employer did that to me(in the states) i would talk to the devils advocate

    edit: wait r u about to go out with that stranger? if he insists on hanging with you bring a butt plug

    he did the old i dont have enough money to give you but ill buy you lunch then proceed to rape you trick.

    i joke :D
  8. You have every right to sue the shit out of that guy :). I don't sue people because I don't live with that mentality but considering what he did maybe you should consider at least talking to a lawyer.
  9. You should definatley talk to one of the higher ups about it, thats well out of order.
  10. They did that at Perfect North?!? I worked there at the Tubing area my sophomore and junior years in high school (Winters of 06-07 and 07-08) and, while I didn't smoke at the time, alsmot everyone else did. Like even all the older adults did, which really surprised me at the time.

    Gutteral, while it is a ski resort, its not out west like Colorado, its in Lawrenceburg, Inidana (just outside of Cincinnati, Ohio).

  11. thats how i see it too. :)
  12. Usually I wouldn't say this either because I believe people are too sue happy, but that's down right harassment ESPECIALLY IF YOU WERE CLOCKED OUT. Talk to a lawyer, he had no right to do that and he also had no right to follow you off of their property

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