is this a joke?

Discussion in 'General' started by yeahIsmoke05, Dec 22, 2005.

  1. hell no it's not a joke!

    we get strippers in heaven, and a beer volcano!

    edit: you know, until i reread the whole thing, i really thought someone had stumbled upon us all by themselves. ::sigh:: i wonder if i get extra beer credits for the click-through
  2. It's hard to believe the shit that gets pulled in america.
  3. Are you joking about not knowing if it is a joke or not?
  4. It's funny how many parallels their religion holds with Christianity, brilliant.
  5. yeah, it's amazing that people can get away with saying that science hasn't yet explained things, so they must therefore be attributed to an intelligent agent.

    come on, even creationist scientists should be upset by the half measures they're taking - it's not science to give up like that!
  6. Damn, I want some strippers and a beer volcano.
  7. And everything you touch turns to Ganj!!!!
  8. Now that is a religion I can get behind... ^^ :smoke:

    I'm with DirtyPete, were you joking?
  9. looks to me like it's legit, i mean with that many people do you think it would be just a joke?
  10. i thought it was legit, then again i am guliable
  11. it is legit - you won't get any of us to admit otherwise. How else would trees and mountains and midgits come to be?

    bless us, o great fsm =)
  12. My apologies for not keeping up with the proselytization here. May you eat much spaghetti and keep to the Eight I'd Really Rather You Didn'ts =)

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