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Is this a good way to smoke inside?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Mr Gargamel, Aug 10, 2011.

  1. Man if you have to go through that much trouble to smoke inside then don't. Your not a junkie lol go outside.
  2. why can't you just hit your bowl sitting next to where you would blow out the tube....wouldn't that be extremely more easy?
  3. Yeah straight up. Hit it in you room if you
    Got fan put it on. Hit the 1hitter next to window And blow hit straight out the window. Your whole breath. And try to ghost it. Works every time. But I smoke bowls. Or also you can hit it under you bed cover works like a charm also.
  4. 1. open window
    2. smoke in the window
    3. close window
    4. go in your closet
    5. come out of the closet

  5. Maybe, just maybe if he wanted to go outside he wouldn't have posted this.
  6. That's exactly what i do lol... I use a blow gun for a tube, it's like 4' long.
  7. open your door so there's about a half inch crack, stuff the bottom with a damp towel to hold it there, close your window on one of those square fans so it's blowing out, pulls new air in through the door crack, you can feel the airflow with your hand, can just lay on your bed and blow it anywhere and it will go outside. i did this all the time and people could walk in a couple minutes after i took a hit and not smell anything
  8. It's a little over the top. I'd say scrap the tubing idea. Pack the onie with enough so that you can kill it in one hit (cause we all know some onies hit more than once), that way there's no smoking plant material left. Smoke it in your closet if that makes you feel better. But instead of the tubing use a sploof packed with a fuck ton of dryer sheets
  9. dont even go in the closet, just put a towel under the door, and wait until u know no1 is going to be near your room, and hold it in as long as possible so the least amount of smoke is released.
  10. Are you already high causes that's brilliant yet so jimmy rigged.

  11. i smoked a pipe in my room out my window for 6 months (annoying), but i just got an iolite portable vape, ditched my putrid pipe and i vape all over the house, don't even have to worry about the smell.
  12. if you pack it right, there will be no smoke cuz it will be cashed, and if you hold it long enough, ull exhale very little smoke
  13. #33 sammicsee, Aug 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Use twine. Works a lot like hemp string.
  14. Make a sploof, look it on YouTube. Just exhale in it and your good. Also use fabreeze right away to cover up the smell. If you have a window that could help. Joints smell the most, then blunts, pipes, bongs, etc
  15. get a vape, lose the smell

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