Is this a good way to pickup a girl?

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by SimplyBaked, Nov 4, 2013.

  1. I'm gonna approach her after class and say, "Hey my names Jordan. I don't think we've met but were in calc 2 together. " after she replies I'll say, "So here's the thing. I told my friends that I could find the prettiest girl on campus and get her number. What do ya say?"
  2. LOL please do this and get back to us!

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  3. I don't think that would work idk man depends on the girl. If she's the typical white girl bitch then no but if she seems like a nice girl then go for it!
    otherwise just start a normal conversation like.. "Hey i put __ for number 2, is it right?" because she may take it as it's a contest or she may take it as she's pretty.
  4. Close but no cigar, don't say you told your friend you'd get the prettiest girls number, that sounds douchey and competitive and will make her feel like a prize, not someone your interested in.
    Simply change it to, "So heres the thing i told myself i would try to find the prettiest girl on campus an get her number"
    That little change makes you not seem like you're competing with your friends
    Idk just my opinion
  5. I'm gonna do it in 45 mins then I got class after but I'll deliver the news.
  6. Word mayne, good luck
  7. #7 snoopdog6502, Nov 4, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 4, 2013
    Its just about crazy enough to work, I say go for it.
    when I was young some friends and I were at a large park and had a competition to see who has game and who don't.
    I walked up to a fine woman and asked her to marry me. She was shocked but had a huge stunned smile, I then asked "If that's too much how about a date" and it worked too well.
    I ended up married to this crazy bitch and had a kid with her then divorced after 3 years and she took me for $110,000, Be careful what you wish for.
  8. Tell us how it goes, Beav'.
  9. Chance of success...not good.

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  10. How did it go?
  11. I think he got rejected lol.
  12. Or he's balls deep
  13. Thats a horrible, horrible line. Don't say that shit. 
  14. Just be like "Do you have a band-aid..... no? Because I just scraped my knees falling for you".
  15. from what ive learned, girls can tell like.... 100% of the time if what you say is planned out and it seems to turn them off.
    try just spur of the moment
  16. Coming from a girl- no please don't. It just makes you sound cocky and that shit is annoying. Just have a REAL conversation with her.
  17. if he doesn't reply back then he's been rejected...

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  18. You must be a virgin.

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