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Is this a good way to pass a random drug test?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by cornholio331, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. I had this idea but I'm not sure if it works. I would just like to say that this isn't for work, it's for one you do at home. It's not going to a lab, it's one you buy at the drug store. So what if I buy one test, take the test while being clean and the stick comes out negative. Then I save the negative strip and then I have to take the drug test and I'm dirty,I pee in the cup(with dirty urine) an the put the strip I had from the clean piss in the dirty piss. Will the stock change or stay negative?Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
    mommy and daddy can always gets different brand that has different sticks...
    you are aware that you have to be 18+ to be on gc, and adults do not have to take test if they do not want to, only children can be compelled to drug test unwillingly?
  4. another kid getting tested by mommy and daddy, haha
  5. [quote name="cball" post="19424528" timestamp="1390949893"]mommy and daddy can always gets different brand that has different are aware that you have to be 18+ to be on gc, and adults do not have to take test if they do not want to, only children can be compelled to drug test unwillingly?[/quote]Hahaha I don't really live with my parents anymore, mostly my grandma. My parents live up the street but they think its best if we don't live together. My parents don't really care if I smoke but I'm on heavy medication for other issues and they are convinced weed makes those medications weaker. My grandmother tests me and if she kicks me out I'm done fore. Thanks for being an ass though!Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  6. [quote name="moab fighters" post="19424558" timestamp="1390950107"]another kid getting tested by mommy and daddy, haha[/quote]To be honest, I wish it was my mom and dad testing me instead of my grandma! My grandmother does it just so it looks like she's a good care taker and she gets the check to keep me in her house.Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  7. I think you should just save the clean pee in a jar and hide it somewhere good in the bathroom you're going to have to do it in and then when the time comes just take out that and heated it up with the hot water from the sink (so she's not suspicious why it's already room temp when you bring it out)
  8. water and food coloring. Doubt your parents can check creatine levels and all that other crap lol
  9. Thanks for sharing this amazing question about random drug test. There are so many detoxification method for pass a drug test Same as listed below.
    1. Permanent Detox
    2. Temporary Detox
    3. Urine Detox etc....
  10. passing a drug test by your grandma? come on man...
    Warm water and food coloring. Done.

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