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Is this a good deal?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by EastCoastSwag, Aug 7, 2012.

  1. Gram of Bomb Piff for 20$
  2. That seems to be the national average for high quality bud.

    So yes, I'm not sure you'd find a better price so easily.
  3. My friend said that she gets better deals from her boyfriend so I may be getting it for even less.
  4. That is standard pricing for a lot of places. I wouldn't call it a "good deal" but you aren't being ripped off. Tons of people pay $20 a gram for dank.

    So, are you being ripped off? No, probably not. But $20 a gram is outrageous no matter what area you're in, shouldn't cost that much, but it does. If I lived somewhere where I had to pay $20 for a gram of dank (I pay half that), I would certainly consider growing.


  5. Now that is great news. :hello:
  6. never heard of piff,what is it?

  7. Another way of saying its good weed.
  8. I was just quoting what my friend said, I'm guessing its just a word for dank. Also I heard it's like the purple colored weed!

  9. Purple colored weed doesn't make it better
  10. I think I'm getting purple haze is that any good?

  11. If he told you hes giving you purple haze, hes lying to you.
  12. [quote name='"deoxygenated"']
    If he told you hes giving you purple haze, hes lying to you.[/quote]

    not necessarily,....

  13. Purple haze is extinct.
  14. [quote name='"deoxygenated"']

    Purple haze is extinct.[/quote]

    You can find PH seeds on some sites. I know I've seen em lately...
  15. That was just my guess, All I know is I'm getting some kind of purple marijuana. I think

  16. They aren't the original purple haze you think of when you think of purple haze. There might be hazes that are purple, but they aren't "the" purple haze.
  17. When did Purple Haze hit the graveyard?
  18. [quote name='"EastCoastSwag"']When did Purple Haze hit the graveyard?[/quote]

    A long time ago. I cry knowing I'll never taste that sweet herb again.. Not much Columbo Gold, Panama Red, Acapulco Gold, Maui Wauie, Thai Stick, etc.. I miss those days.
  19. When I am Medical in November is it possible that they may have those strains.
  20. I'm pretty sure you can still get Maui and panama red, but the panama is very hard to come by.

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