Is this a good after workout meal?

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by Hot Box, Feb 14, 2012.

  1. Lifted tonight. I don't drink protein powder or take any kind of supplements. I had for dinner:
    -an apple
    -green peas
    -orzo and black beans
    -2 chicken breast with salsa
    -and to drink, water

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  2. looks pretty good man.
  3. I would drop the apple, they don't offer enough nutrition to offset all that sugar. And maybe more beans, less chicken

    Looks gooood though
  4. i disagree, apples are delicious and healthy, also there is nothing wrong with eating a couple chicken breasts, eat as many as you want.
  5. Dinner is not dinner without a big glass of milk. :cool:
  6. Sugar is what you want after a intense workout to replace the lost glycogen. When you lift weights the main source of energy the body uses is sugar. So any carbs or sugar (Carbs and sugar are the same thing) is good. Beans,rice,Whole grain pasta, and gatorade. Pick whatever one you like :)

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