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Is this a GonG?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by JohnLajoie, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. Why yes...yes it is.
  2. Ok, i just bought it and i was wondering how good are they i bought it out of impulse.. anyone own one of these?
  3. Yep...pretty nice looking one at that.
  4. A bubbler like that? Nah i've seen similar stuff, but not that exactly. It's cool though, now you need an A/C and a kickass bowl.
  5. Yea the only bad thing about it is you cant put ice in it for those really smooth hits. :( im about to go smoke out of it
  6. sick bubbler
  7. How much did that run you just curious? I haven't seen many pieces like those.
  8. 55 dollars it was 75 but i talked the guy down.
  9. Nice deal you got there...I wouldn't mind owning a bubbler like that one.
  10. It looks cool the only thing i am worried about is how smooth the hits are going to be and how effective it is
  11. Ok, whats the diff between a Bong and a bubbler? Does one get you higher? are they Diff at all?
  12. I own a sherlock bubbler, so similar but not the same, but Ill vouch that bubs and other low water capacity water pipes if you will give very nice hits.

    Bong=larger, more water, different design, bowl slides out to clear it rather then having a carb, etc.

    Bubbler=smaller, less water, handheld, has a carb (normally, not for the above GonG). Etc.

    Bongs give huge hits all at once when you clear them, bubblers will give lung hoots just as well, IMO, but a bit different.
  13. noob question but can someone post a pic of a pipe/bong that isn't GonG? I know it says Glass on Glass but whats the difference really?
  14. The mouth piece looks like a cock...
  15. That thing is fuckign sweet. I'm really impressed. I would've bought that on the spot if someone said $55
  16. Pipes have to be phallic as a rule.

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