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Is this a Dub Bag???

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by 4EvaThrowed, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. #1 4EvaThrowed, Jan 23, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2010
    Wassup people so I just meant this new dealer and he sells nuthin but Dubs.I wanna know if what I bought looks like a dub or did he rip me off.So I can stop buyin from him if so here's a picture of it.It might not be clear cause I took it on my web cam so let me know if I need to take another one.Any help would be appreciated thanx.Dub Bag Pictures, Dub Bag Images, Dub Bag Photos, Dub Bag Videos - Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting
  2. that looks about right, if it dank that is.
    its hard to tell from the pic but it's probably some good stuff
  3. looks like a dime bag. the only way to know for sure is to weigh it. but if its some dank then you cant be to picky it didnt look all that bomb.
  4. My simple answer: That looks like 2 grams or so

    It depends though on the bud. Is it dense or fluffy?
  5. Looks more like a dime bag.
  6. LOL. what is a dub bag to you? 2 grams? $20? Here on the east coast a dub is 20 bucks worth of weed, just like a dime is 10 bucks worth of weed, and a nick(el) is 5 bucks worth of weed. It could be less than a gram or it could be a half an ounce depending on the quality. these threads always give me a headache, why even bother posting this shit? :laughing:
  7. That's what I was thinking, but if it's good stuff, then it is a dub.

    Hard to tell in a bag, you always have to open the bag and inspect it. I usually like to pack a test bowl and estimate how many more bowls are left in the bag.

    -Leaf :smoking:
  8. Definately a dub. Looks like 1.7-2 grams to me.
  9. How much is dub where you live? A dub is 1 gram here. Looks around right.
  10. A little smaller than I usually get, but since you're new to blazing you probably don't have the hookups for good deals. For a first-time cop, you didn't get ripped off. Smoke it and see if it's strong. If it's strong stuff, you got a good price. If it's weak or mids, you got scammed. My advice is have an experienced smoker with you to judge it because you might not know since you're still an apprentice toker.

    Have fun with weed :hello: and remember, be in a good environment! Don't smoke anywhere you're not comfortable/happy in before smoking, or you won't get high! I made this mistake too many times...It took me almost 20 times to get blazed :eek:, but I went out and bought a pipe and embarked on a binge smoke!:D Hope that doesn't happen to you, though, homie.

    -Leaf :smoking:
  11. #12 leafsmoker212, Jan 23, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2010
    Yeah weed is so expensive if you don't buy in bulk.

    -Leaf :smoking:
  12. I suggest to everyone who tokes the good leaf.

    Buy a scale and check your bag and weigh it before any money is given out. Period.
  13. Thanx for all the help guys really appreciate it I guess ill keep buying from the guy now but ill ask for a fatter bag next time lol time 2 go get blazed now.Ill tell you guys how it goes.
  14.'re going to ask him for a fatter bag? Are you joking? Please tell me so. If I was your dealer and someone ask me for a fatter bag I'd be like "well pay up".
  15. i cant see the picture but if you got 2 grams im shocked. In the tri-state area (NY,NJ,CT) a DUB is a 20 dollar bag with .8 grams. A dime is a 10 dollar bag with .4 grams
  16. thats a dub
  17. hahah you see the website trying to advertise scanning the picture to ur shirt or hat, thats just funny i like the one with trucker hat
  18. No dude, that's most definitely a gram/dime bag.

    A dub would be two of those, give or take.

  19. No a dime is .5g and a dub is 1.0g. Looks like its dub fills the bag well if its the normal size bag or it could be really fluffy.

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