Is this a Ak 47 plant

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Luv2SmokeAlot, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. Hey Grasscity

    A while back ago I purchased some AK 47 buds at a dispensary. They told me it had some seeds in it and was going to give me a discount on it which was ok by me. I figured I could plant some seeds to get a few of them going. My question is does the dispenary rename the buds to jack up their prices or is this a AK 47 plant. I never grew an AK that looked like indica or is this a new breed. Any info would be helpful Thanks.


  2. Well, it's a descendant of the Ak47 you smoked. It depends what the father was. If the plant hermied, then it's indeed an AK47 but may carry a hermaphrodite trait.

    Otherwise, it could have been any strain of father pollen that made the original bud you smoked have seeds.

    There are going to be different phenotypes within a strain too. A good stabilized strain will only have a few, but non-bred seeds can have quite a bit more.

  3. All of this ^

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