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Is there Water Cooling/Filtering in Your Vape System?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by frogjam, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. #1 frogjam, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2010
    I am too clumsy to get my glass-whip's screen perfectly and securely seated in the groove provided in the glass, I was unable to avoid pulling very fine dust through and into my mouth and lungs.

    I solved the dust problem by removing the mouthpiece from the inhalation tube on the whip and placed the open end of the tube over the pipe in a bong, onto which a smoking bowl or slider would normally be screwed on. I plugged the carburator hole. When I draw on the bong as one normally would, the dust is caught in the water, the vapor bubbles through and when I am near my capacity, I pull the whip out of the vape, which acts like opening the carburator hole, pounding the balance of the vapor down into my lungs.

    I know some systems are designed to use a water filter/cooler and am interested to know other peoples' experiences.

    Is it known whether or not water filtration significantly impacts vapor potency?

    Has anyone experienced any health issues from inhaled vape dust?
  2. I attach my SSV whip to my ROOR for large, cooled vapor hits. I got fed up with the "dust" that falls through the screen, in fact, I havent used the whip alone since the first time i used the dual attachment!

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