so im sittin' here drinkin' some bud light in a bottle and i realized there is little bubbles on twords tha bottom of tha bottle that are in patterns resembling brail... is this brail? lol who els has noticed this?
Yes. It is something unspeakably offensive and you will never know what it says, thus you will always be pissed of at the sight of a beer bottle
I think it's just a part of the way the bottles are made. Why the hell would there be brail on a beer bottle? It isn't on any other product.
The bumps actually prevent the bottle from breaking as easily, they can chip off and absorb energy keeping the container intact. Prevents the bottle from forming a water seal on the bottom, which splashes water when you pick it up. Also makes it harder to handle in automated equipment. In the manufacturing process it allows for some expansion at the bottom of the molds.