And not look like I'm sharpening my skills as a prison bitch? Just happen to catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror while eating a lime flavored one, and discovered to my horror that it looked like I was paying back Kermit for an 8-ball. Bah, these things are just too tasty.
Banana seems to be the best. Sometimes I wish I were a monkey. Not a regular monkey, but one that had went into space. But, that was his only highlight in life and eventually developed a deep depressions stemming from years of alcohol abuse.
It's like that Robot Chicken skit where the woman is sitting in a restaurant and is aboutto eat a corn dog and every guy in the room is staring...
haha. i've caught a glimpse of myself eating a popsicle and thought the same thing. i really don't eat them though, so i don't have to worry to much.
i just bite the damn thing. if anyone calls me gay they better be friends that are joking, or if i dont know them, they can expect a hook to the temple.
Ok men try this, try licking out all the mayonnaise from between 2 big slices of ham in a ham sandwich.
But, I have a penis, good Sir. I'd rather be fighting gigivitis and bad breath than go down on some mayo.
Ah, atleast its the same color as mayo. I would think a minty/ham combo would be refreshing on a summer's day.
Lol. Only popsicles I eat are Otter Pops Other than that, Ben n Jerrys (Phish Food...mmmmm) and Drumsticks!
Fuck Ben and Jerry! I can't find one of their goddamned flavors that doesn't have chocolate in it. I'm allergic to it.